Author Topic: What does a furball mean to you?  (Read 4947 times)

Offline Hoarach

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What does a furball mean to you?
« Reply #30 on: April 07, 2006, 05:14:05 PM »
A furball is heaven to me.
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Offline Furball

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What does a furball mean to you?
« Reply #31 on: April 07, 2006, 05:38:59 PM »
Originally posted by Hoarach
A furball is heaven to me.

i love you too, snookums xxx
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Offline nirvana

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What does a furball mean to you?
« Reply #32 on: April 07, 2006, 05:55:26 PM »
I like the Furball, not the one from England, not the 18/f/cali with a super hot webcame which you can see here  either.  I, however, must disagree with you mars, I in no way possess skills for the furball, I just like to get in and see how many can eat 20MM hispanos before I go down.
Who are you to wave your finger?

Offline LYNX

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Re: What does a furball mean to you?
« Reply #33 on: April 08, 2006, 04:25:31 AM »
Originally posted by FiLtH
Is it...

 A.   A mass of twisting turning planes, trying to watch your six and others, shooting, breaking off to avoid being shot, on the deck slugfest, and trying to limp out of it...maybe you do..maybe you don't.

 B.   A mass of targets on the deck that one can blow through picking off people as you blow past, trying to stay above the mass, and repeating attacks.

"A" is the answere but just about most start their fight in a "B".  By that I mean a few passes till they lock onto the guy that didn't die (grrr) then it's on the deck, twisty turny stuff, slow, ganged and very hecktic.  Getting away with it (Landing) is satifying.   To me Landing is proof of the pudding.  Sure ya get guys saying it's "over rated" but it's a sentence to often used as an excuse IMHO.

However, it's not everyones cuppa Tea.  I like the Historical side of things and going to FT or what ever is just good for a laugh .....occasionally.

Offline B@tfinkV

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Re: What does a furball mean to you?
« Reply #34 on: April 08, 2006, 07:48:57 AM »
i lke shooting through at 300mph blasting FM2s off my squaddies six for the first 50% fuel, and then fighting said FM2 along with 4 spits and an la7, all yapping at my heels too, for the second 50% of fuel.

now if you (filth) flew a plane that could actually go above 300mph, you might not always be catagory A

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Offline Kermit de frog

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What does a furball mean to you?
« Reply #35 on: April 08, 2006, 08:05:32 AM »
Originally posted by Ghosth
Some days A, Some days B, Some days perfer to do field captures.
Some days CV attacks, some days GV.
And thats the wonderful thing about AH.

If everyone would show everyone else just a LITTLE common respect & courtesy.
It really wouldn't be that hard to get along.

You want my opinon, this whole thing about furballers, buffs, griefers all started with one person. Started when laz and the BK's started calling bombers fluffers.

Show a little respect, and you get some back. Treat me well and I'll return the favor. You steal my kills and you'll never get a 6 call. Insult me, mess up my day & I'll go out of my way for WEEKS to mess up yours.

Rescue me from certain death and your good on 6 calls for life.

Its simple give & take folks and its NOT that hard!

This guy has a point
Time's fun when you're having flies.

Offline SlapShot

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What does a furball mean to you?
« Reply #36 on: April 08, 2006, 08:38:52 AM »
Originally posted by Ghosth
Some days A, Some days B, Some days perfer to do field captures.
Some days CV attacks, some days GV.
And thats the wonderful thing about AH.

If everyone would show everyone else just a LITTLE common respect & courtesy.
It really wouldn't be that hard to get along.

You want my opinon, this whole thing about furballers, buffs, griefers all started with one person. Started when laz and the BK's started calling bombers fluffers.

Show a little respect, and you get some back. Treat me well and I'll return the favor. You steal my kills and you'll never get a 6 call. Insult me, mess up my day & I'll go out of my way for WEEKS to mess up yours.

Rescue me from certain death and your good on 6 calls for life.

Its simple give & take folks and its NOT that hard!

Too bad you didn't answer the question, but took the opportunity to personally sideswipe Lazs.

Lazs didn't personally start anything ... there already was a large contigent that was voicing their opinion on that topic ... Lazs just put a name on it.
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Offline Ghosth

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What does a furball mean to you?
« Reply #37 on: April 08, 2006, 08:41:46 AM »
No laz I'm not saying they are not descriptive, or even accurate in some cases. What I'm saying is you dug this hole, and that hole. Now your complaining about the field being full of holes.

You guys want one thing, and thats fine, I see your point.  I get it, really I do.
I do not and never have had a problem with the BK's.

The fact remains that in many respects you guys started this "Rift" for lack of a better word.

I can't speak for anyone else. But I know for months every time I saw fluffer it kicked my anger/frustration level up a notch.  You brought that term into life, you directed it, aimed it. And now your reaping what you've sown.

NO one likes to be labeled!
No one likes to be disrespected.

My point which I'll stand behind trainer or no trainer.

Is that you guys dug this hole, now your complaining about the hole.

And no Mars, I'm not shooting the messenger.
I'm actually not shooting anyone.

I'm telling the guy who sent the original message that started the war.
That he might want to rethink what messages he sends.

Which he'll probably ignore, but then thats my problem not yours or his.

The long & short of it is I've always respected the BK's.  I've met laz, we don't agree on much but we get along fine. He's basicly lazy, and ussually admits it.

He wants his fight his way without having to work for it.
And thats fine as long as he respects MY want to have MY fight MY way.
And right there is where I see the crux of the problem. Lack of respect
for anyone who doesn't see things your way.

Which quit frankly, I don't see from most of the BK's.

And no I don't think this is going to end the war either.
And no there is no hatchet on this side to bury.

I'm just playing the game the BK way for a day.
Call it the way I see it, let the chips fall wherever they dang well fall.
And SCREW the consequences.

Offline scot12b

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What does a furball mean to you?
« Reply #38 on: April 08, 2006, 08:43:18 AM »
Your right some guys think a furball is staying at 15k diveing down in thir PonyD and cherry picking all the guys turning and burerning. I love a good furball I get killed fast but the turn fight is worth it :aok
The sky is blue water is  wet and old stainclauss is out thir jimmy and he`s waitin for us

Offline Ghosth

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What does a furball mean to you?
« Reply #39 on: April 08, 2006, 08:44:36 AM »
Guilty as charged slapshot sir.

Seems to me you own me one from a not so long ago thread.

Call it even?

My apoligies to Filth for the thread hijack. Sorry.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2006, 08:49:32 AM by Ghosth »

Offline SlapShot

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What does a furball mean to you?
« Reply #40 on: April 08, 2006, 09:11:19 AM »
Originally posted by Ghosth
Guilty as charged slapshot sir.

Seems to me you own me one from a not so long ago thread.

Call it even?

My apoligies to Filth for the thread hijack. Sorry.

SlapShot - Blue Knights

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Offline lazs2

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What does a furball mean to you?
« Reply #41 on: April 08, 2006, 09:28:33 AM »
ghost... yes.. I am lazy..well... Let's just say that if I want work I can get overtime for it.... games are not where I seek my work.

You are also right that I don't care if griefers are hurt by putting an accurate name to what they do.

The problem is... that when you or they take advantage of gameplay that gives you a huge advantage or destroys the fun of dozens of guys at a time.... it is griefing and of course... it causes people to get disgusted..

sure... it is your money and it is an option but..  you know what you are doing and we know what you are doing...  

When you shoot someone down in a furball you are causeing them "grief" too but.... they get to come right back and have about the same chance you had of killing them of ..... killing you and.. even if you don't it is at least fun while it is happening.

when a cherry picker carrion cowboy or toolsheding fluffer rruins the fight you are pretty helpless...  you can either hope he doesn't succeed or..

Try to stop him.

The last option is laughable...   he may destroy your gameplay by his toolshedding and he may not but..

He will absoluetly destroy all hope of having a a good time online if you have to sink to the level of playing with him.

I mean...seriously... why do you think we don't hunt the boring carrion cowboys and toolsheders?

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Offline FiLtH

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What does a furball mean to you?
« Reply #42 on: April 08, 2006, 10:16:57 AM »
Ya Bat I wish I enjoyed the fast planes as much as  I do the slow ones. Although I can appreciate the way to fly the fast ones, and have actually tried a bit, I have an issue with them. That issue is I lack the discipline to stay fast. My SA is pretty good. I see the bad guys, and assess the situation. I just at some point say fack it and go in.

   The main reason I prefer the slower planes is this. I dont mind seeing faster planes extend from me. I dont mind them run,grab,and try to rope or pick at me. I like that challenge.The only reason I continue to do that is the number of people that get tired of bnz'in and missing, commit 1 pass too early and get popped.

    But back to the main reason. I dont like flying in a plane that can easily get outturned by another type.  Thats how I like to fly, and when it gets down to that point, I want a chance to have a good turn fight. My main targets are spits, hurris and zeros.  I like to wander into a furball and target them first. Maybe when I get older, and my reflexes are gone I will start flying the fast planes, and dream of the glory days when the wingtips scrapped the water, and the trees were king. :)


Offline B@tfinkV

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What does a furball mean to you?
« Reply #43 on: April 08, 2006, 10:48:15 AM »
Originally posted by FiLtH
Ya Bat I wish I enjoyed the fast planes as much as  I do the slow ones. Although I can appreciate the way to fly the fast ones, and have actually tried a bit, I have an issue with them. That issue is I lack the discipline to stay fast. My SA is pretty good. I see the bad guys, and assess the situation. I just at some point say fack it and go in.


btw i wouldnt consider the Chog a fast plane, and you just happened to be the first kill of the sortie when i came in at 8k, you saw me a few minutes later in the same spot but at 2k, and you shot me :)
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Offline JAWS2003

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What does a furball mean to you?
« Reply #44 on: April 08, 2006, 11:17:19 AM »
I think the plane you fly will dictate how you  treat a furball.
 I like FW- 190 A8.  Is hard to find a furball with planes that I can dogfight with.