Author Topic: Why do we have worthless equipment?  (Read 2073 times)

Offline leitwolf

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Why do we have worthless equipment?
« Reply #30 on: April 29, 2006, 09:57:35 PM »
veni, vidi, vulchi.

Offline Brenjen

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Why do we have worthless equipment?
« Reply #31 on: April 29, 2006, 10:59:13 PM »
If you were to let Reschke model our TA-152 it would certainly be worth the perkies.:D  It sounds to me like it could use a little more power & handling upgrades in the MA. I had always been under the impression it was for high alt. B-17 & B-24 butchering not tangling with other fighters.

Offline Bucky73

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Why do we have worthless equipment?
« Reply #32 on: May 01, 2006, 11:19:43 AM »
The TA-152 rocks....this is one of the FEW rides HTC perked right. At least it's PERKED unlike a few that without question should be perked. Example:Spit16 and Lghey. For the love of God how much longer is this insanity going to go on. I realize that some people wouldn't land any kills if they couldn't drive one of these but come on. Lghey should have IMO a 20perk and spit16 a 15 or so. If the Tempy is perked these two DEFINATELY should be. Btw 90% of the people that argue this point either fly them or walk around wearing a helmet and cowboy boots and have the nickname "corky". Heck I fly the pony alot and some think it should be perked. I wouldn't scream if they did unless it was way to high. I could see maybe a 10-15 perk for it just because lack of cannon's and vulnerability to ack.(which is correctly modeled IMO)

The 152 is a great ride once you get it up to speed (which seems to take forever) and other then the occassional unrecoverable spin that I seem to have a nack for getting it in I like it.


Offline Krusty

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Why do we have worthless equipment?
« Reply #33 on: May 01, 2006, 11:59:08 AM »
There was a post-war flight test on a Ta152H. They didn't have any MW50 or whatever the WEP additives were, so they ran it "dry". Even with OUT boost the test pilot said it had a competitive climb rate compared to a spit22 (spit 20-something, it was a recon version I think).

So... without WEP... in AH..... we get 2200fpm.

What?!?!? That's less than a P40!!!!!!!  1945's best aircraft, top-of-the-line, strongest engine possible, largest wings possible, and 2200fpm climb rate?!?!

I think AH has bogus climb on this puppy. And the acceleration kinda sucks too.

In AH it takes the 109K-4 a few seconds short of 10 minutes to reach 30k. The 109K-4 is arguably one of the BEST climbers in the game. I tested it once in comparison to the p47N. You can run WEP the entire time and reach 30k just before you run out.

I don't want to imagine how long it would take a ta152 to get to 30k. It has abyssmal performance at most alts.

Regardless I don't think it's "useless" as urchin says. I think it's poorly modeled. I see this as the reason why it wasn't redone with the 190s -- possible FM do-over in the works somewhere down the line [*speculation alert!*]

Had we the 190D-13 or -11 or whichever version had 30mm I'd fly that more. Had we the Ta152C-0 I'd ONLY fly that (underpowered or no!). But as it is, the 152H is my fav perk ride. Perhaps because it is harder to fly. Perhaps because I like the 30mm. Who knows.

Offline Mustaine

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Why do we have worthless equipment?
« Reply #34 on: May 01, 2006, 12:18:43 PM »
i remember reading that ancedote about the TA over 3 years ago and thinking WTF? in the MA the TA can not hold its own with the tempest. then i thought it was just i myself wasn't good enough to do it. i still am not good enough, but i think more and more noone will be "good enough"

as far as the M8, i remember a time when it was used quite a bit in the MA, back 2-3 years ago before the tiger.

2 hits on the back of a panzer, pop it was dead. i remember fester zooming around poping people in it, and others too. also on ndisles map 45 --> 46 that VH on that island, people would spawn M8's by the dozen, and take out the hangars / ack fast

with any changes to the ballistics and penetration of gun types, i don't knwo how effective the M8 is anymore, but it did have it's day.
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Offline 68DevilM

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Why do we have worthless equipment?
« Reply #35 on: May 01, 2006, 12:22:38 PM »
i like the ta for high flying buff killin

Offline SirLoin

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Why do we have worthless equipment?
« Reply #36 on: May 01, 2006, 03:10:20 PM »
i disagree..The ta152 is the best 190 varient..well most fun(Dora beats it in 1 vs 1)

It turns better than A5/A8(my opinion)..Great for buff formations(any alt)..Great vulcher..Excellant range & WEP.

it's cheaper than a CHOG

opponents don't know what to make of U

Uber guns(poor mans 110g2)

The wings rip(oops went too

Has very good evade speed..

You can do the FW twist when in trouble..

It's a bloody fun plane to ride...!

I don't get why HTC didn't update the 152's cockpit though(it is an updated


Offline Schutt

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Why do we have worthless equipment?
« Reply #37 on: May 01, 2006, 04:01:47 PM »
152 looks verry good and sleek.

Lots of ammo in big guns, not bad at all !

Offline Krusty

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Why do we have worthless equipment?
« Reply #38 on: May 01, 2006, 04:23:29 PM »
Originally posted by Mustaine
i remember reading that ancedote about the TA over 3 years ago and thinking WTF? in the MA the TA can not hold its own with the tempest. then i thought it was just i myself wasn't good enough to do it. i still am not good enough, but i think more and more noone will be "good enough"

Actually at altitude it does great. I fought a temp in a 152H and dragged him from 18k to 25k. He was behind me but I was able to climb better so I dragged him into a shallow climb and he got closer and closer, but was below me. So I did a nose high stalling set of scissors, he was trying to follow but didn't have the wingspan or engine power to keep up, so he eventually floundered and I got a snapshot on the extreme of 1 scissor, and saw the red fireball. I knew a 30mm had hit so I leveled out and got my speed up. I banked and looked back, saw him falling to the ground without a wing.

I got that on film too.

At altitude it does well. Not great. I still think a tempest owns it in 90% of occasions.

P.S. Tempest is faster than ta152 except for a power band dip (dip? More like a sheer drop) between 10k and 15k. The 152 is faster above 25k, but then who cares? You really can't do anything up at 30k.

Offline Nomak

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Why do we have worthless equipment?
« Reply #39 on: May 01, 2006, 10:51:40 PM »
I found the TA to be quite potent in AH 1 especially once the wing tanks were empty.  I clearly remember totally chewing up Mustangs OTD in an angles fight, I wouldnt even consider that in AH 2 with the 152.

I dont think the flight model of the 152 was changed for AH 2.  Perhaps its just the changed physics of AH 2 that make it feel so much different.

It really is to bad.  For a while I really enjoyed that bird.  I find it to be nothing short of no fun now a days.


Offline SirLoin

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Why do we have worthless equipment?
« Reply #40 on: May 02, 2006, 01:40:07 PM »
And when ur rad get's hit it glides home to base very nicely too..:aok

Offline Wolfala

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Why do we have worthless equipment?
« Reply #41 on: May 02, 2006, 06:43:28 PM »
On the M8 -

And my experience in a repost on the M-8. I love it, and hate it btw.

I was up at Tank Town - Cyclic was sitting at the south east field in an M3 hiding. I had no way to get to his position, so I brought out the M-8 and drove there. Took a little while - didn't know that sucker could do 60 though.

Long story short, I get to the base, and start raising hell and drawing attention to myself. 2 panzers pop out and try to wack me and fail. Cyclic gets his troops in the back door and eventually the tanks die.

Fast forward 20 minutes. Some wiseguy is near 27 and we have no idea where. Just occasionally some shells are landing in the hanger area where Cyclic is in a panzer, another guy in a panzer, and myself in the M-8. So I roll out into the tree line listening for the sounds of engine or the report of cannon.

Eventually after about 15 minutes I get vectored in the correct direction of the shots. Rolling up the hill at about 35 mph between some mounds a few shots land short of me. I jink the car left and Cyclic and the other guy put fire into the area the Panzer is shooting from. I work around the left side of the guy, maybe 500 meters west of him, circle around the bellybutton end of him. He's camped out behind a berm with his gun focused down the hill. 3 shots of 37mm right into his pooper - and BLAM!

That was satisfying. Then I think about the current transition to the SBCT up at Fort Lewis and start thinking to myself. I'm basically going toe to toe with a T-72 in a Stryker, standing practically no chance of denting him in a conventional way. Deep down I feel like to kill this guy i'm sticking my dick inside of a hornets nest. And the only reason this guy died was b/c I got the heavier armor to distract his bellybutton long enough for me to plug him at point blank before he knew I was there.

I don't know if that sits very well with me in the whole realm of the DOD transformation and SBCT transition to lighter armor.


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Offline JMFJ

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Why do we have worthless equipment?
« Reply #42 on: May 03, 2006, 11:05:33 AM »
M8 can be very effective if you know what you are doing.  Got to use it's strengths to your advantage.


Offline icemaw

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Why do we have worthless equipment?
« Reply #43 on: May 03, 2006, 12:53:16 PM »
If I did my job what would you complain about!
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Offline SirLoin

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Why do we have worthless equipment?
« Reply #44 on: May 07, 2006, 05:45:47 PM »
Ta 152 has to be the hardest plane to land/rearm...Any tips on how to safely down this beast?

It seems to have pogo sticks for oleo legs..(Bouncy bouncy...wingtip strike.../.ef)

Way harder than a CHOG on final.