Boy people sure do complain how people don't play the game how they want them to. I've gone to playing axis and allies alot because in there i can avoid a horde and go 1 to 1 with a guy or in a team setting where people work together to kill the enemy and not have to worry about 500 people picking me, when i'm doin it. The other day i got into a 5 minute long dogfight with a p-51, it was most fun, each of us spiraling around for position, i scored some definite hits, then we hit the deck in a stall fight going around and around on the edge, stall horn blaring then i start gaining advantage again, the p-51 starts running, i'm right behind in wep chasing in a p-38 not really gaining, finally i say forget it, a buddy of mine calls zero 2 o clock we start working him, as soon as we focus on the zero the p-51 comes back sneaking up so i turn on him again gaining definite hits to his wing structure, being that i'm in a 38, i tell my buddy to handle the zero since he's wearing something a little more maneaverable, the zero shoots my buddy down then the horde sets in on me, low and slow in a 38 after having turn fought a 51 i'm dead meat and the 51 gets away. I live for engagements like this the aerial balet of air combat, it got my blood boiling, but one of the things i don't like about the main arena is the point whoring and people who do anything to get it. My scores suck, 1) cause i suck 2) cause i don't care, 3) and three cause i played this game for the first couple months not even trying to land after i scored kills, i didn't even know that's how it worked, i'd have much fun staying till i died, i didn't even try to land. When the p-51 ran i didn't really care, it's his business, but some people here have some major problems when people don't play the game how they want. It basically amounts to people being in grade school and going, Billy didn't play hopscotch how i wanted so now i'm going to whine, i was never like that, i would wait till Billy was ready to play then i'd kick his prettythang. Some people here have to learn the magical life lesson that it's not all about me and that people have free will to do whatever they want, AND THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT. When the p-51 ran from me, he was beat, i was all over him the whole time and he had the disadvantage, i consider it smart to run sometime, to formulate a new plan of attack or to even up a disadvantage in plane performance. I have to do it all the time since i fly the American iron and the whole dam# arena now is made of spit and la's, often times i'll bleed my energy trying to get a shot and who's behind me but Mr spit 16, so i run to get away knowing i'm a dead man if i don't do something, cause i'm dead in Mr Spit's territory in a P-38 at 150 mph so i disengage. Meanwhile on ch 200 i hear these guys talk about run coward run, and i'm going you want me to stay here and give you my behind on a silver platter? How selfish are you. If i'm lucky enough to disengage and gain some alt and speed i'll loop back down and try to get a finishing shot, then i'll here these same guys whining about he picked me. Yea he picked you, what do you expect watch your prettythang next time. Anyway i think it amounts to a bunch of children whining that you don't play how they want, and when they get killed they cry about that too. That attitiude has got to stop. Whatever happened to sportmanship? A simple hey man good job, or you got me, it happens to me all the time and try i not to complain about it.
P.S. I don't think the La or Spit should be perked anymore, who am i to tell somebody what they can fly:)