You're not getting it.
"I'm saying, that will change, it has in every other country & city that attempted it"
We didn't attempt any special gun law. It was always there basically.
So, no generations of handguns in therotation. Basta.
If you belive in the freedom of holding automatic rifles and handguns, who have no practical use at all, where do you draw the line? Hand Grenades and Dynamite?
We are not a socialist country BTW, and you don't have to go socialist to avoid the poo and arm every nuthead in the country.
A country that doesn't have any problems with people getting shot dead all the time should bloody well stick on it's course, no matter if somebody steps in and sais:
"that will change, it has in every other country & city that attempted it", - or in other words, surrender, - although it works and has been, it won't so drop it now.
Then the silliest of them all..
"If the boy in your story had shot the other kid with an arrow by playing the indian, would the kid be any less dead?"
Depends on the bow, but I'd pick the arrow.
BTW, how do you think that a 11 year old travels 10 miles, mostly by getting a ride, with a lethal bow with him. Or even a hunting rifle for that sake? Now, let me guess, he got where he wanted because he had the gun in his bag along with some toys and stuff....