I agree with most of the article. I have been thinking on the same lines for some time but without his ability to express it. The point he makes about environmentalism becoming a form of religion concurs with my own thinking on the matter. I'm a skeptic on global warming and many other environmental and ecological issues. But I have found that when I comment on the issue I'm invariably rounded on and shouted down as if I had blasphemed in church.
That's an apt comparsion. I do think that the growth of enviromentalism, animal rights, vegetarianism and UFOology is proportionate to the relative decline of organised religion. People must believe in something. It seems a natural human instinct that this life must have some meaning and that we as individuals are important in the overall scheme of things.
Environmentalism, like any religion has it's extremists and those who half believe in the cause but who the equivalent of those who only go to church at Christmas, births, weddings and funerals. The big problems as I see it is that we may have the freedom to practice our religion or not, (unless we live in an Islamic state) but environmentalism is increasingly forced on us. A whole series of rules we must live our life by. We must recycle, we must pay higher taxes on anything considered environmentally unfriendly. The list gets longer every day. All for the great God: Mother Earth. 'We must save the planet and ourselves'. There is constant talk among the high priests of environmentalism about what we can and cannot eat, or where we can or cannot go, or what machines we can or cannot use. That sounds a lot like a religion to me.
I was disappointed to see David Attenborough jump on the global warming bandwagon and start to dish out the doom monger predictions. Even the best of us fall into the trap.
Those of you who think all this is 'twaddle'. Ask yourself why you believe so fervently in the cause of environmentalism or indeed religion. Does it stand up to scrutiny or is simply because you never thought to question what you have been told by others. Every now and then we should all sit down and think about what we really believe. You might be surprised