Author Topic: Newbie Etiquette  (Read 1430 times)

Offline Kermit de frog

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Newbie Etiquette
« Reply #15 on: June 13, 2006, 11:58:34 PM »
wtg goomba.

Very well said.

Time's fun when you're having flies.

Offline Schatzi

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« Reply #16 on: June 14, 2006, 05:16:26 AM »
Hello Triangle, welcome to AH.

First of all a big >>S<< and thank you for asking. You doing so makes me think youll have little trouble with any form of "etiquette". What behaviour flying wise is acceptable and what not very much depends on who you ask. It reaches from old style honorable to its-my-14.95.

My advice would be: Be respectful of other players (friend and foe), have fun and do whatever makes you able to still look in your own eyes in the virtual mirror. Then you can do practically no wrong.

Training Arena is a good place to go every now and then. US evenings, you have high chances at running into an official trainer that will help you. But even if not, theres are usually vets there, that can help you with most questions.

As for starting in bombers or fighters..... thats entirely personal preference, not a matter of how much "skill" you already have - at least IMHO. When i started flying, i did so in fighters exclusively. My bombing skills still show that ;).

Youre here to HAVE FUN, so do what you want to do, not what you think the community expects from you. Because trust me, you cant fill *all* those expectations anyway.

A squad usually gives you a good enviroment to learn in. People to fly with and to pester with questions, wingmen that help you out of a tight place and just friends to joke around with.
Take a look at the Squad forums - Squads that are recruiting usually post there. Find out if their style of gameplay, choice of plane and ideas suit you, fly with them for a few weeks (dont join prematurely). If you like each other, the invitation will not be long.

The open channel in the Main Arena is channel200 (just type that number into any of your radio boxes to tune it). Get some beer and popcorn ready.... its the best soap ive ever seen. One tidbit of advice though.... dont take whats been said there too serious (unless its a ">S< good fight").

If you see me online, feel free to ask me for a wing :).

PS: Training Arena has certain rules (like no bombs on A1) - read the Arena Message that pops up every time you log in.
21 is only half the truth.

Offline Hap

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« Reply #17 on: June 14, 2006, 06:33:06 AM »
Trianglemoon, great question.  What to do: 1) if you see a countryman in danger give him a check-six.  You do this by looking at him in your views and tap the apostrophe key '.  That's good etiquette.  So is giving an enemy a "salute" by typing .salute thiername            

Also, taking a minute or two to see how the game simulates warfare, I'd recommend also.  Though you'll find some if not many for whom the objective of Aces High holds no appeal.

On the masthead of Aces High II, you'll see the SUPPORT link.  New players usually don't take the time to read it.  The "help" section, especially the two points under  GAME PLAY.  I know I didn't 6 years or so ago.  I wish I had because it really opened up the game from an arcade "i'm going to shoot you down" to a game that's much more sophisticated and team oriented.

Here's the basis upon which Aces High gameplay rests.


p.s.  Also, the next bullet point "Strategic Targets" is well worth noting.  It'll save you many questions and why folks do certain things.  It's just as important as the "Gameplay" section.

Capturing territory through the use of air, land and sea power is the objective of Aces High.   The arena terrain is divided into three countries, with each country starting with an equal number of fields, towns, cities, task groups, and a single headquarters for each country.  All countries have an equal amount of territory at the beginning of a war.  

The map is broken up into zones, with each zone having an master field.  The master field controls the ownership of the factories which supply all other fields in the zone.  

When a master field is captured, the factories will supply all fields in the zone owned by the capturing country.  Each country has a primary zone which contains the country HQ, and this zone cannot be captured.  

Capturing territory    

Territory is gained by capturing a field.  A field consists of an airfield, vehicle field, or port and an adjacent town.  The town is situated 2-3 miles from the field or port and contains the strategic map room for the entire field.  All buildings in the town must be destroyed before attempting to capture the field.  Destroyed town buildings will stay down for 45 minutes, during which time 10 troops must be delivered to the map room via one of the troop carriers to capture the field.  After the tenth troop safely makes it into the map room, a system message will appear in the message buffer announcing the captured field number and the capturing country.  


Damaged field and city objects can be rebuilt with the successful delivery of supplies.  Conceptually, the objects are being resupplied but visually they are being rebuilt.  This is done by reducing the downtime by 30 minutes depending on how much of the supplies reach the destination.  If only half of the supplies reach the destination, the downtime is decreased by 15 minutes.

Trains, convoys, and barges    

Trains, convoys, and barges are built into the terrain.  Each train, convoy, or barge has a source point and a destination point, and each can be damaged or destroyed while traveling from point to point.  When a train, convoy, or barge is destroyed, they will automatically respawn every ten minutes.

Each time a train, convoy or barge spawns, it first checks to see if there has been damage to the supplier (cities supply factories and factories supply fields).  The amount of supplies carried to the destination depends on the amount of damage to the supplier.  If the supplier has been damaged by 50%, only one out of every six train cars or convoy trucks will carry supplies.

The destination point is where the train, convoy, or barge attempts to resupply.  The destination can be either a single field, or a number of objects within a defined radius.  If a destination field is captured while a train, convoy, or barge is enroute, the train, convoy, or barge continues to the destination, and resupplies from the factories of the capturing country.  

Once a train, convoy, or barge has successfully reached it's destination, a new supply convoy spawns.  

Supply drops    

The C-47, LVT-2, and M-3 have the capability to drop supplies on a field to repair the field or shorten the downtime.  These object supplies will repair all resupplyable objects in a one mile radius from the point where the supplies land.  The supplies are selected as a loadout option in the hangar, and .25 perk points are awarded to the player who dropped the supplies for every object that's affected by the resupply.  

A vehicle supply type is also available to repair and supply vehicles with ordnance.  When these supplies are dropped, any friendly vehicle within a half mile radius receives a Load Supplies button on their screen.  Clicking this button will use the supplies to both repair and rearm their vehicle.  If the supplies are unused, they vanish after 15 minutes.  Vehicle supplies will not reload troops or the vehicle and object supplies.  

Winning the War    

The war is won when any country is reduced to one field.  At that time, the arena is reset, a different terrain is rotated in with the country territories randomly set, and a perk point bonus is awarded to players that have been in the winning country for a minimum of 12 hours prior to the end of the war.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2006, 06:35:18 AM by Hap »

Offline bozon

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Re: Newbie Etiquette
« Reply #18 on: June 14, 2006, 09:10:17 AM »
Originally posted by trianglemoon
Are there any do's and dont's that newbies should be aware of?  (all jokes aside, please. :P )

Goomba, pretty much summed it up but I wanted to emphesize the most important, number 1 point:
RTFM = Read The F#^*&% Manual !

If you forget something and ask, it is just fine and others will gladly answer. However the most annoying thing is a newbie spamming the green channel asking question like "how do I choose ordnance" or "how do I start the engine".

Is there anything I can do as a newb that is helpful to others? For instance, does it make sense for me to man a gun in a bomber, by joining someone?

By all means, do it to be helpful to yourself. Try everything the game has to offer and you'll be a better player for it, plus have some fun in the process. Then find your temporary nitche and practice it.

Watching ingame films posted in the forums or joining another player as a ride (.join XXX) will educate you as well in more advance gameplay.

Mosquito VI - twice the spitfire, four times the ENY.

Click!>> "So, you want to fly the wooden wonder" - <<click!
the almost incomplete and not entirely inaccurate guide to the AH Mosquito.

Offline trianglemoon

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« Reply #19 on: June 14, 2006, 11:25:49 AM »
Wow, more great insight to the game.  This thread has been quite informative for me--I hope other newbs get something out of it!

I should probably post this separate, but what the heck--10 troops must "enter the map room."  I take it, when I drop them off, either paradrop or out of the back of my half-track, they'll wander around to the map room eventually?  Can they be killed individually?  Do you actually see them on the map? (I dropped some from a halftrack last night to see what it looks like, and I saw them standing behind my vehicle, but when I came around, they were gone.)

Zones are still a little confusing to me, but I'll probably take a look at them a bit before asking.  I take it multiple airfields are "linked" to some extent.  Is there a way to see (on the map) the facilities attached to an airfield (or perhaps I should say attached to a zone...), or is it a hunt/kill concept?

I saw a ground battle going on last night.  I heard the chatter on the radio, and saw approximately 10 friendlies rolling through an area.  One got killed, and I rolled onto the Panzer that took him out and shot at it, hoping the others would be able to mark the spot.  Then I thought, "Geez, I hope they don't think I'm trying to kill-steal."  My mic isn't working right now, and I'm not skilled enough (yet) to type out, "hey, I'm just trying to flag the guy for you."  Are there any widely-observed practices in these situations?  I know kill-stealing = bad, but I also would think that if a box of bombers are approaching your base (or tanks), and the guy trying to take them out isn't being successful, it probably makes sense to help out.

Thanks again to all contributing!  


Offline Murdr

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« Reply #20 on: June 14, 2006, 11:41:55 AM »
Let me draw a distinction on 'killstealing'.  Engaging an enemy who a friendly is already engaged with is not kill stealing.  Blasting an enemy who a friendly has already disabled is 'killstealing'.  In other words a tailless plane falling from the sky is already effectively dead, so don't waste your time on it.

That said, engaging an enemy who a friendly is already engaged with, while ignoring an unengaged nearby enemy, is just dumb and may get you and the friendly killed.  That is bad form.

Right click on the map, and check zones.  White lines will radiate from the 'zone field' to all the fields in that zone.  All nearby facilities like factories and citys are also associated with the zone field.  If the zone field is captured, all the associated facilities are captured also.  The other fields in that zone will have trouble resupplying/regenerating if the zone facilities are in the hands of another country.

Offline Lusche

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« Reply #21 on: June 14, 2006, 11:54:33 AM »
Originally posted by trianglemoon
I should probably post this separate, but what the heck--10 troops must "enter the map room."  I take it, when I drop them off, either paradrop or out of the back of my half-track, they'll wander around to the map room eventually?  Can they be killed individually?  Do you actually see them on the map?

If you are close enough to the enemy maproom (not sure about the exact distance, but itīs quite a big one) your troops will march to it on their own. They can be killed individually and the ememy will frantically try to do that before they reach maproom. They canīt be seen on map.

Originally posted by trianglemoon
I saw a ground battle going on last night. I heard the chatter on the radio, and saw approximately 10 friendlies rolling through an area. One got killed, and I rolled onto the Panzer that took him out and shot at it, hoping the others would be able to mark the spot. Then I thought, "Geez, I hope they don't think I'm trying to kill-steal." My mic isn't working right now, and I'm not skilled enough (yet) to type out, "hey, I'm just trying to flag the guy for you." Are there any widely-observed practices in these situations? I know kill-stealing = bad, but I also would think that if a box of bombers are approaching your base (or tanks), and the guy trying to take them out isn't being successful, it probably makes sense to help out.

I might add to Murdrīs words about kill stealing in air-air combat that I donīt think there is something like kill stealing in ground battles. Enemy GVīs are always dangerous: Even if detracked, smoking and seemingly helpless, they can be resupplied by the enemy or at least give important informations to their comrades. So anytime you see an enemy GV, just kill it!
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Offline Goomba

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« Reply #22 on: June 14, 2006, 12:02:54 PM »

Once dropped off, the troops will beeline for the maproom automatically.  The trick is to keep the trip short and safe, as troops are single-minded and have no sense of self preservation.  If you drop them of too far away from anything, they'll stand there until they die of starvation.  Dedicated, but dumb.

They can be killed individually, and will be attacked en masse by any nme near enough to get 'em.  Since it takes no less than ten, if a badguy can pop even one before getting killed, he'll protect his base for a few more minutes.

Zones speak to the strategic level of the game, and resupplies that enable destroyed facilities to respawn.  I'll try with this, but expect a correction or two of my errors;

From the top down;  Cities (not airfield towns) produce supplies for troop training factories, ammo factories, radar factories and AAA factories.  These supplies arrive via convoy, train or barge every 15 minutes.  A full convoy, from an undamaged source provides maximum repair, and shortest re-up time.  

Factories produce supplies for facilities they support, i.e.  troop training factories resupply troop barracks on fields, which in turn are required for upping troops for captures.  These supplies also travel via convoy, train or barge on 15 minute intervals.

So, you have a supply chain which, when damaged by the enemy either at the Cities, Factories or Transportation level will affect respawn time for destroyed buildings.

These supply chains, and the bases they affect, are grouped into Zones.  Ownership of the Zone Base (turn on zones display by right-click on clipboard) controls ownership of the strategic supply chain in that area, and cuts off the nme bases...thereby making building respawn a very time-consuming thing.  Few players pay any attention to this very key part of the game.  An effective, organized 'strat campaign' can seriously damage the supply chain, and drastically slow down the rate at which buildings recover, which gives your side more time to operate.

Killstealing seems to be generally less of an issue in GVs...don't know why.  If it moves or hides, shoot it.  Personally, I've never heard a (serious) complaint of killstealing from GVrs.  If you can se it, shoot it.  You probably saved the guy's neck anyhow.  Your right about using judgement...the mission, and protecting your own are paramount.  

It's not a hard and fast thing, and common sense will always be good enough.  If you misjudged a situation, give 'em a quick 'sorry' and move along.  Its only a game, in the end.

Sounds like you done just right.  If you were out at the v72 vicinity, we were having good moving battle that lasted for several hours.  Didn't see you, tho...

Offline Flit

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« Reply #23 on: June 15, 2006, 08:42:43 PM »
This needs a Sticky Skuzzy :)
Great post all

Offline Hap

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« Reply #24 on: June 16, 2006, 07:31:41 AM »
Originally posted by trianglemoon
Zones are still a little confusing to me, but I'll probably take a look at them a bit before asking.  I take it multiple airfields are "linked" to some extent.  Is there a way to see (on the map) the facilities attached to an airfield (or perhaps I should say attached to a zone...), or is it a hunt/kill concept?

Tri, right click the map, then move cursor to "zones" and right click.  you'll see the zone bases, the factory system supporting that zone, and the bases associated with that zone base within that zone.

click on the "war status" button on your clipboard.  Then notice the pulldown arrow on the top left of that swing-panel menu that unfolds.  Since I'm bish, and let's say i'm working the rook front, i'll select rook.  i can quickly see the status, one at a time, of the rook airfields by clicking on the airfield # of the fields that abutt the rook/bish front.

also, when you look at airfield status (you can also right click on map then left click for a field's status) you can see if that zone's factories and city have been hit, what % of operational status they maintain.

the same "war status" can help you help your country too.  ck the fields along your front line, where you're working.  are some of the fields ord or barracks or disabled?  you can manually resupply those via m3 or goon.  

to tell if you can m3 those bases, rt click on map, left click for vehicle spaws.


are you bish?  could use all the strat oriented men as possible.

Offline Schutt

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« Reply #25 on: June 17, 2006, 06:28:56 AM »
I want to add my 5 cent here too,
most of the stuff said i think is pretty valid and important. Most important is that you have your fun playing while not deliberately destroying everyone elses. Dont worry about anyone commanding you, he has no right to do so... everyone can ask for help, support, this or that being killed or troops. But none can command what you do.

Apart from that, here are a few things that i think have not been mentioned yet to full extend.

That some people are yelling for troops is probably because the place is pretty dangerous and the troops keep dieing. Bringing in c47 with troops is pretty dangerous if enemy fighters are in the air, its next to impossible to protect a c47 if some fast enemy fighter dives for it.

Also if you bring in troops to a place with red dar bar bigger than the green one its pretty obvious the troops will die. Asking your country men to clear out the enemy is outright funny, because they are mostly trying to stay alive in that case.

I consider it bad manner killing enemy that are on landing approach or just landed, other than maybe for the reason they were vulching before. I sometimes do this myself but dont think they will be happy about it.

Dont worry about anyone calling you skilless, attributes your kills to your great plane or whines about HO attack. If you killed them in a2a its good, if he thinks your "ueber" spitfire16/La7 made the kill and not you he can fly one himself. Most whines of HO attacks come from pilots who either fly directly into the enemy (so doing halve of the HO themselves) or pilots that think they can fight 5 vs 1.

Dont complain about not getting a chk6. Your 6 is your own responsibility, and if your new you mostly have 2 enemys hanging there anyway.

PS: I like it how you check back to your thread and keep posting, that way everyone knows that your still intrested.

Offline Billiken

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« Reply #26 on: June 17, 2006, 11:01:03 AM »
Thanks Schutt!

I changed my account name and Game Id so they are now the same.  TriangleMoon was too long for a Game ID, and TriMoon (believe it or not) is hard to hear on the radio.

I'll be hanging around for a while, and checking back.  My new ID will stick. :)

Here's another etiquette question on choosing sides--

I'm assuming it's frowned upon to join a side, fly a few sorties, then switch to the other side.  But, is there anything wrong with trying out the different sides, to see if one "sticks?"  I haven't joined a squad yet, and I'm assuming that will largely determine what side I fly, but in the meantime---suggestions?

« Last Edit: June 17, 2006, 11:22:20 AM by Billiken »

Offline B@tfinkV

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« Reply #27 on: June 17, 2006, 11:29:58 AM »
hey GrassCutter! (Grascuta?)

or lawnmower (lwnmower?)

i thought they were cool! :)

 400 yrds on my tail, right where i want you... [/size]

Offline bozon

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« Reply #28 on: June 17, 2006, 12:24:16 PM »
Originally posted by Billiken
I'm assuming it's frowned upon to join a side, fly a few sorties, then switch to the other side.  But, is there anything wrong with trying out the different sides, to see if one "sticks?"  I haven't joined a squad yet, and I'm assuming that will largely determine what side I fly, but in the meantime---suggestions?

There's no problem in switching sides. After switching you can't switch sides again for 12 hours. The chesspiece loyalty is silly.
It is however bad form to switch sides in order to tell about missions the other country is orgenizing, or give the location of their carriers.

From experience all three country are pretty much the same. The only real difference is specific people you might be friends with or foes you like to fight against that might affect which side you like. Another possible difference is that at times, one country tends to be a little under populated compared to the other two. Flying for that country will be a little more challanging, but if you are into perk points, you will enjoy a nice bonus.
Mosquito VI - twice the spitfire, four times the ENY.

Click!>> "So, you want to fly the wooden wonder" - <<click!
the almost incomplete and not entirely inaccurate guide to the AH Mosquito.

Offline Billiken

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« Reply #29 on: June 17, 2006, 01:59:54 PM »
Originally posted by B@tfinkV
hey GrassCutter! (Grascuta?)

or lawnmower (lwnmower?)

i thought they were cool! :)


I liked those, too, but thought they may carry some luggage I didn't want to deal with. :P