couple of thoughts on the whole thread...
First, Congress is working within the framework of the Founding Fathers. Congress can amend the Constitution as part of the checks and balances against the Supreme Court. I applaud the fact that the system is sort of working, even if the only reason it was voted on is because the Republican party is doing every thing they can to "mobilize" and "energize" Republican voters for the fall elections.
Second, there is no such thing as universal free speech, meaning you can say ANYTHING you want without any legal consequences. We've all heard of slander, haven't we?
Next, please explain to me the connection between "FIRE!" in a theater or child porn and burning the flag. Also, lukster, can you please provide a reference where the ACLU wants to protect child porn under the First Amendment? As whacko as the ACLU can be, i doubt they'd try to protect that under the First Amendment.
Finally, someone wants to burn the flag, go ahead. All it does to me is show me you can't articulate your dissatisfaction with the government in a non-confrontational way.