Hmm, where did you make things personal?
"Yep, it's true, Reynolds spoke with authority and doing so established that he had none to speak with."
How about that? And, the USAF version is, as i remember it, cancelled. Now, since you have had a lot more experience with the aircraft, and therefore are more knowledgeable. And im not saying i want stealth, or that i hate fly by wire. I dont trust it ery much, because if it fails, you are screwed. I dont like the fact that the pilot cannot fly his aircraft without the aid of a computer. Okay, gunslinger, i learned something new. Ill say, i know next to nothing about the F-16. Im just saying, i dont like the implications of the F-35. Maintenance would be difficult, it has a nice big IR signature, and i dont like a bomber without a Wizzo. The tech. bugs, as far as those new systems are not appetizing either. And may i point out, i did not start this whole "JSF sucks" thing, i simply stated my reasons why i dont like it. And, these are MY thoughts. If i am incorrect, im sorry, but what i have stated is what i have known to be true.