And of course, when we arrived at the target, there were 2 La-7s, a Tempest, two 109s, and, my worst fear, an Me-262. My heart really did skip a beat. Nonetheless, in true warrior fashion my wingman and I just nosed down. He got behind us. We just kept on into the target. He was getting closer.... "keep going, the target is more important than any two pilots"... "bombs away"... "Break!"... "Hes on me!" and he dove in at me. I went into external. "D1.0k..." "D900..." "D800..." "D700..." "D600..." "FIRE!!!!!!" Spraying shots blindly behind me, all I could do was pray... *click-hiss* :Im out of ammo!!!" and as the smoke cleared, I saw it. The 262 falling fast, his left wing 2.5k above him. "Hes down! 262 is DOWN!!!" "Great job!" "Coming in on final approach... shiesse..." and a 109 came in on us, nearly waxed us, but we got some support in the form of fighter cover back at base, and we landed it. That was my 5th i beleive flight in a 234, but only my first ever kill with those tail guns, and I got a 262.
Great fight VansCrew, you scared the **** outa me!