t's clearly illegal, your point. But how is it unsafe?
Ok, so it's safe to speed?? Yes or no??
Incidently, my arrogance is a return for yours. So if its safe to drive 10 over on a three lane highway with you in the middle lane, then it would be safe for you to drive 10 over down a residential street with the chance children running out in the road or cars backing out of their driveways?
I am going to assume that with your mileage you are a truck driver and have at one time had some run ins with some highway patrol folks which might be a reason for your stupid reasoning and your hatred of police officers.
As far as cops causing all these accidents and reaking havoc because of traffic stops, for trivial matters, and passerbys who are distracted, I think you need to get a life or maybe grow up a little, I dont know which and dont really care. In fact, since having a good logical debate just flew out the window with your statements that cops are the scourage of the motoring world, your really a waste of time now.
I do expect you to reply with more of your dribble. Again, I got my point acoss to you whether you accept it or not.