Author Topic: view down bug  (Read 268 times)

Offline Schutt

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view down bug
« on: July 15, 2006, 06:35:08 AM »
I have my second roatry set to change the view yaw, apart from that there are only 5 steps and no analog view yaw there are two more problems.

When i look sideways and change the yaw it jumps to look forward and corresponding yaw, not what i expect of it.

When i enter the game and touch my joystick, while the yaw rotary is not in middle postion, my view goes to where the rotary sits. Its probably because at that moment the game notices the rotary, but it shouldnt since it usually only sets the head position when the rotary changes. So with first joystick movement it always thinks the rotary changed if its not in default postion, since its initialised to neutral and not to the position the rotary is set to.

Hope that was understandable.