Author Topic: Penn & Teller: Conspiracy Theories  (Read 1181 times)

Offline soda72

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Offline GtoRA2

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Penn & Teller: Conspiracy Theories
« Reply #31 on: August 16, 2006, 08:28:16 PM »
Originally posted by soda72
The Plane That Crashed Into the Empire State Building

The link has what to do with this conversation?

Offline Gunslinger

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Penn & Teller: Conspiracy Theories
« Reply #32 on: August 16, 2006, 10:26:42 PM »
If you lean WAY too heavily on the Northwoods document, you may be a 9/11 copnspiracy nut.

If you think someone brought off the biggest scam in history in order to make $2 million in put options, you may be a 9/11 conspiracy nut.

If you think it's easy to rig three office buildings in downtown Manhattan with enough explosives to bring them down without anyone noticing, you may be a 9/11 conspiracy nut.

If you think invisible elves set charges in WTC7 while it was burning, you may be a 9/11 conspiracy nut.

If you think the perps managed to crash into the buildings at the exact locations of the secretly-rigged explosives, you might be a 9/11 conspiracy nut.

If you think the perps crashed their planes into the exact spots where the explosives were placed without setting off the explosives prematurely, you may be a 9/11 conspiracy nut.

If you think these same incredible perps FORGOT to put wreckage around the Pentagon, you might be a 9/11 conspiracy nut.

If you think the bad guys fooled every structural engineer in the world...but they couldn't fool you, you may be a 9/11 conspiracy nut.

If you think POPULAR MECHANICS is a neocon organ, you could be a 9/11 conspiracy nut.

If you think the news is controlled...unless it's a story you like, you may be a 9/11 conspiracy wingnut.

If you think Prison Planet is a reliable news source (sometimes known as "The Government Did Everything" News Service; also known as Delusion Central), you may be a 9/11 conspiracy kooka-booka.

If your entire belief system is based on a blurry video of unknown origin, you may be a 9/11 truthseeker.

If you think the evildoers used their family friends to bring off 9/11, you might be a 9/11 conspiracy coconut.

If you think one of the perps blurted out a confession for no apparent reason on a PBS documentary, you might be a 9/11 conspiracy nut.

If you think fact-checking is a waste of time, you may be a 9/11 conspiracy nut.  (Have you considered making a documentary?)

If you think international bankers financed a plan to close down Wall Street, you might be a 9/11 conspiracy nut.

If you've seen The Matrix one too many times, you might be a 9/11 conspiracy nut.

If you think the perps filled their cover story with bizarre anomalies and made blunders everywhere, fooling everyone in the world but you and your friends, you might be a 9/11 conspiracy nutball.

If you honest-to-God think you can predict the future, you may be a 9/11 conspiracy nut.

If disagreeing with you is certain proof that someone is an agent, you might be a 9/11 conspiracy nut.

If you don't pay your traffic fines as a matter of principle, you're probably a 9/11 conspiracy nut.

If you think the profound questions of the world are best solved by angry white guys with IQ's in the mid-80's, you may be a 9/11 conspiracy nut.  Or some other kind of nut.

If you think all the other 9/11 truth people are for the birds, but you have it all figured out, you may be a 9/11 conspiracy nut.

If you took WAY THE HELL too much ecstasy, you might be a 9/11 conspiracy nut.

If you just can't believe how stupid and brainwashed everyone but you is, you may be a 9/11 conspiracy nut.

If you think everyone is laughing with you, you may be a 9/11 conspiradroid.

If you think it's cool and patriotic to make false accusations of mass murder, you must be a 9/11 conspiracy nut.

Offline tapakeg

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Penn & Teller: Conspiracy Theories
« Reply #33 on: August 16, 2006, 11:04:26 PM »
The Penn and Teller shows are great and i believe most of what they say, most of their show is to find the most outrageous person they can find on the subject and make them look stoopid.  (Agreed they make themselves look stupid in the first place.)  Then they have nothing but ad hominem  attacks.

It kind of goes on the theory that if you give someone enough rope they will hang themselves.
You know that your landing gear is up and locked when it takes full power to taxi to the terminal

Offline FiLtH

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Penn & Teller: Conspiracy Theories
« Reply #34 on: August 17, 2006, 12:35:07 AM »
Please post more of these


Offline Sandman

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Penn & Teller: Conspiracy Theories
« Reply #35 on: August 17, 2006, 12:43:08 AM »
Originally posted by FiLtH
Please post more of these****

Because of the profanity filter, you'll need to modify "Bull****" at the end of the URL. Just complete the slang for male bovine scat rather than use the ****.

You'll get just three vids otherwise.

You can also download most if not all of them on TvTorrents.