Last night I was the Allied CiC and worked hard on our battlplan. I knew it was going to be hard, as our planeset handicapped us.
Grip #1 I believe our side put up a good defence and I can't say enough for the effort everyone put in. I guess this is why i'm so upset about the last Axis JU-88 making a lame suicide dive from 20k+ feet, after all his buddies missed our cruiser. I manuvered the fleet in an attempt to avoid this, but no amount of turning will stop a verticle suicide drop no more then 3k above the fleet. If it was a JU-87 I wouldn't have anything to say, i'd probably praise him for a nice drop. His plane blew up even before the bombs hit, and it was no more then 3 minutes before the end of the time limit for hitting the targets.
WTG Tards... A whine has been recorded. III/JG44 NightHawks
22:01:48 Departed from Field #24 in a Ju 88A-4
22:56:14 Destroyed a field gun at base #07
22:56:14 Destroyed a field gun at base #07
22:56:14 Destroyed a field gun at base #07
22:56:14 Destroyed a field gun at base #07
22:56:14 Destroyed a field gun at base #07
22:56:14 Destroyed a field gun at base #07
22:56:14 Destroyed a ship at base #07
22:56:14 Destroyed a gun battery at base #07
22:56:14 Destroyed a gun battery at base #07
22:56:14 Destroyed a field gun at base #07
22:56:14 Destroyed a field gun at base #07
22:56:16 Tragically crashed.
Grip #2 This guy crashes two times, goes on to shoot kermit down, then destroy a number of objects at our field. Now if it was just shooting kermit down I wouldn't mind, but the field object should be recalled.
332nd Flying Mongrels
22:01:43 Departed from Field #24 in a Ju 88A-4
22:06:26 Tragically crashed.
22:06:36 Departed from Field #24 in a Ju 88A-4
22:08:25 Tragically crashed.
22:08:33 Departed from Field #24 in a Ju 88A-4
23:02:07 Shot down a Hurricane Mk I flown by Kermit.
23:03:08 Destroyed a figher hangar at base #118
23:03:13 Destroyed a radar at base #118
23:03:14 Destroyed a barracks at base #118
23:03:48 Joined by forHIM as gunner/observer.
23:09:04 Was shot down by DALLES.