Author Topic: An idea (ya..another one)  (Read 195 times)

Offline FiLtH

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An idea (ya..another one)
« on: September 01, 2006, 09:13:37 AM »
Remember how in AW they had the RR and FR arenas?  The Relaxed realism was where the masses played and the Full realism was where others played. Usually when a guy tired of RR he went to FR. It was a smaller group.

    Since we dont have that option here, but we do have the DA, why not get some people in there and set up teams. Each night we could make our own planeset. It wouldnt be about capturing stuff, but we could setup fighter sweeps and stuff to make it fun. Maybe even if it was just one night a week. These type of things just take a few people to get it rolling.

  Anyone interested?
