Author Topic: Strange Intermitent Control function  (Read 608 times)

Offline Condor

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Strange Intermitent Control function
« on: September 03, 2006, 08:36:00 PM »
I am new to Aces high and have been practicing takeoff and landing but am getting intermittent flap and gear function.  While on the runway I can raise and lower flaps using the switch assigned on my CH throttle.  It works perfectly.  I can take off manually and raise the gear using a switch on my CH fighterstick and the flaps with the switch on the throttle.   While climbing out from the runway I can lower and raise the flaps and gear again. After I fly out a ways and turn 180 to approach the runway I can't lower flaps or gear.  There is no response to the switches.  Sometimes if I fly over the runway to the point where I've gone to far to land I can lower flaps and gear but not always.  If I end the sortie and start again I have flap and gear function on the runway and right after takeoff but then nothing when I attempt to land again.  This just started in the last 24 hours.  Before that I could lower the gear and flaps to land.  I have made no contoller assignment changes that I'm aware of.  I have opened and close the game and rebooted my computer several times.  I have tried two different planes, the Ki-84 and La-7.  I still get the same thing.  Very weird!  Any ideas?
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Offline Dichotomy

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« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2006, 09:06:37 PM »
check your speed.  Gear and flaps will not work above certain speeds and pushing those speeds will cause them to rip off :)

oh and stay out of the LA7... mama say mama say mama says la's are the debil ;)
JG11 - Dicho37Only The Proud Only The Strong AH Players who've passed on :salute

Offline Condor

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« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2006, 10:44:07 PM »
The KI will fly pretty slow without flaps.  I was at <150mph.  I don't think it's speed.  after taking off I can lower and raise the flaps and gear at the same range of speed.    I just tried the La-7 to see if Iwould have the same problem.   I plan to stick with the Ki for now.  I'm convinced it's a better plane to learn in.  

I have my stick and throttle set up with the same button assignments in Il-2/PF.  Flaps and gear work fine in the Hellcat, mustang, and La-7 in that sim at any time.  I think my controllers are OK.

My next step may be to uninstall AcesHigh and reinstal it.
Balrog in game. Some day my performance may justify the name. LOL

Offline The Fugitive

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Strange Intermitent Control function
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2006, 11:00:19 PM »
Gear will not deploy over 150-180 in most planes ....F4's will drop them up to 250-300. Flaps are the same over certain speeds they will not drop, and if your flaps are down, and your speed in a dive... they will "Auto-retract" to save on damaging them. Gear will not not auto retract and will be damaged if you fly over 200 with them out.

There is nothing wrong with your game, thats just the way it is.

oh and when you pull high G's in that Ki and the wings break off and you are instantly returned to the tower, this is also NOT a problem in the game, Ki just don't like high G turns  :)

Offline Condor

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« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2006, 09:57:46 PM »
I suppose next you will tell me there is nothing wrong with the game when I'm flying along and I suddenly hear machine gun and cannon fire and my wing falls off. ;)

Seriously, thanks for the info.  I thought the flap and landing gear deployment might be speed related but I guess I never got below 150 in my apprach when I tried them.  Gotta get better glasses so I can see the instruments better.  I'm now slowing down a liitle more and the flaps and gear are working fine.

I may be slow but I'm learning.
Balrog in game. Some day my performance may justify the name. LOL

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« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2006, 12:55:18 AM »
yes condor, the machine gun, cannon, wings falling off thing is perfectly normal.;)


Offline Condor

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« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2006, 08:46:32 PM »
You were not kidding!
I've been trying the 8 man games for the last couple of nights and the michine gun, cannon, fire wings falling off (mine!), going down in flames (me) is all too normal for me.  One thing I've noted is that in most cases I'm allowed to gain some altitude and speed before I get hammered.  I appreciate being given a chance.  Now I just need to learn how to use it.  I did go to one 8 man game where I was blasted twice in a row when my wheels were barely off the ground by someone in a p-38.  I didn't go back a 3rd time.  I guess that's realistic war but it won't draw many people to the party.
Balrog in game. Some day my performance may justify the name. LOL

Offline Condor

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« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2006, 08:58:21 PM »
By the way.  Are the 8 man games complete free for alls?  I thought the green icons were on my side and the reds were the enemy but in the last couple of games the greens I thought were friendlies blasted me.  In one case there were reds and greens and only the reds went after me and it was obvious the greens were working together.  Someone even gave me a check 6 warning before my plane disintegrated around me.    I did have the presence of mind to look back in time to see the muzzle flashes.  I guess it's a liitle bit of progress when I at least see who kills me.  

I suspect it may depend on who set up the game but how does a new player knowwho's who?
Balrog in game. Some day my performance may justify the name. LOL

Offline Dichotomy

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« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2006, 10:30:00 PM »
Condor my suggestion is check out  Can't help on the 8 man arena as I've never played it but take it from a relative noob you're going to die a LOT in the arenas.  SA (situational awareness) really is important in fact it is, in my opinion, one of the most important aspects of the game.  Keep plugging away and keep asking questions.  

One thing I did when I discoverd this game was to go back about a year in the threads of this forum and read everything that I thought might pertain to a question I had at the time or would ask.  It's a LOT of information to absorb so don't expect to be great in a week or two.  These planes all have their own flight characteristics and abilities and it's tough to move from one to the other.  

FILM YOUR FLIGHTS FILM YOUR FLIGHTS FILM YOUR FLIGHTS.  Much like football you can learn a lot from watching what you did in a given situation and what the opposition does in response.  

Use the trainers.. that's what they're here for.  Just send them a pm and they'll make time for you.  This is an invaluable resource that costs nothing but time and they're all great and patient people.  

Best of luck :)
JG11 - Dicho37Only The Proud Only The Strong AH Players who've passed on :salute

Offline Schatzi

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« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2006, 02:39:58 AM »
Originally posted by Condor
By the way.  Are the 8 man games complete free for alls?  I thought the green icons were on my side and the reds were the enemy but in the last couple of games the greens I thought were friendlies blasted me.  In one case there were reds and greens and only the reds went after me and it was obvious the greens were working together.  Someone even gave me a check 6 warning before my plane disintegrated around me.    I did have the presence of mind to look back in time to see the muzzle flashes.  I guess it's a liitle bit of progress when I at least see who kills me.  

I suspect it may depend on who set up the game but how does a new player knowwho's who?

In H2H (8 player) whatever the host/room participants decide goes. Its best to check in there saying hello and asking for rules of engagement. You may or may not get an answer though ;).

If you see a room thats tagged "FFA" its a good bet that you can shoot anything in sight, red or green. Some hosts have Messages of the Day that pop up once when you enter the arena, explaining the set up and the rules.

One thing id advice though: Some rooms have highly unrealistic settings, especially fuel and ammo loads. Dont let yourself get too used to those or youll have a hard time adjusting back to "realistic MA" settings.
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Offline Simaril

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« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2006, 08:57:31 AM »
Originally posted by Dichotomy

FILM YOUR FLIGHTS FILM YOUR FLIGHTS FILM YOUR FLIGHTS.  Much like football you can learn a lot from watching what you did in a given situation and what the opposition does in response.  

Use the trainers.. that's what they're here for.  Just send them a pm and they'll make time for you.  This is an invaluable resource that costs nothing but time and they're all great and patient people.  

Best of luck :)

Great advice.

Filming flights can help immensely, though to tell the truth I'm not disciplined enough to do it lots.

One experienced player had a great suggestion for viewing films: Once you've seen what your move looked like externally, make a point of double clicking on the guy who killed you and WATCH THE FILM FROM HIS VIEWPOINT. That lets you know what you look like to your attackers, and may make your mistake obvious to you.

Another really helpful tip: Especially in the MA, if you get killed by a player you know is pretty good, send him a private message and ask what mistake you made. ALMOST all are nice folks who will respond positively to a honest request like that, and you can get 'live" help that way in a hurry.
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Offline Condor

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« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2006, 11:17:27 AM »
Thanks for the suggestions.  I have been doing a lot of reading in this forum and at other sites.  I have found to be helpful.  Remembering what I’ve read at the right time is the challenge (and developing the skill to do it).

I would like to film my flights and view the films that are posted in the forum.  I just don’t know how.  I have searched through the help files and haven’t found anything on it.  I understand there is an AH film viewer but I don’t know where to find it.  It appears just about everyone knows how to use this feature.  Please point me in the right direction.  (I hope this isn’t one of those “if it’s a snake it would have bit ya” sort of things.)  

Thanks for the patient and helpful responses to my questions.
Balrog in game. Some day my performance may justify the name. LOL

Offline Dichotomy

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« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2006, 11:23:58 AM »
click alt and r to start your film and alt and r to stop.  go to your program files, find the htc folder, there is a folder in there called 'films' and that's where they are stored.
JG11 - Dicho37Only The Proud Only The Strong AH Players who've passed on :salute

Offline Condor

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« Reply #13 on: September 07, 2006, 11:37:03 AM »
Thanks.  Now, how do I view them?  I've tried double clicking on films downloaded from this forum and have gotten the usual dialog box asking me to pick a program.  I've tried all my mdia viewers and none of them work.  How to I access the AH film viewer?   (I'm not home or I would go to the films and AH program before asking and try to figure it out again.)
Balrog in game. Some day my performance may justify the name. LOL

Offline Schatzi

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« Reply #14 on: September 07, 2006, 11:41:22 AM »
START > PROGRAMS > Aces High II > Aces High II Film viewer (the filename for the program is ahfilm.exe in your game folder).

You have to launch the viewer manually once, for it to associate ahf file extensions with the program. After that you can simply double click films to watch them.

2 notes:

You cannot launch the film viewer while running Aces High.

When the film viewer is already running, you cant double click films in Explorer to open them.
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