I have, as of late, heard or rather read on country channel an increasing amount of moaning about "how the game has gone downhill" or "game play has gone to crap in the last year." or "this game sucks with all the {insert } (noobs, hoards, kids, ho-ers, no-talent-skilless dweebs, spittards, L-Gay drivers, Run-90s, tool-shedders, vulchers, cherry pickers, etc...)" (If I left one of your choices out, I do apologize.)
These complaints seem to come from players who played, left, and are now back again. They complain about the influx of "noobs" and all the "skilless dweebs" in the game.
To those complaints, I have a few answers....
1. If the game isn't fun for you anymore, please feel free NOT to play. It is a game and is meant to be fun. If it ISN'T fun, then you are not benefiting from the point of the game - RECREATION. (Please don't read into this a stab at anyone, nor should you read into it that I am demanding anyone to leave. I am merely pointing out that games are meant to be fun, if this game is not fun for you, then find one that is. )
2. If you feel that the game skill has dropped because new people have joined, then take those new people under your wing and teach them the skills you have mastered. They would most likely appreciate the help and your knowledge of the game is very valuable to the community. Your ability to share what you have learned might even bring the "skill level" back to what you remember it to be.
3. Lastly, I ask you to remember that you were "new" once. It may have been 2, 10, or 15 years ago; but nonetheless, you had to learn the game at some point. But, look at you now. You have achieved a mastery of the ACMs and are a valued member of your team/squad/country. The "noobs" have to learn and they rely on your knowledge to get them where they need to be.
To conclude... If you are not willing to take part in raising the community and the game is not fun, then why are you back? (Again, not a stab at anyone, just a simple question that some may want to ask themselves.)
> To all you AH players, veterans, rookies, and noobs alike.