Author Topic: My first night in the new arena  (Read 515 times)

Offline gofaster

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My first night in the new arena
« on: September 14, 2006, 06:28:40 AM »
I logged on, didn't bother to read the arena descriptions, just clicked the box at the top of the list and caught a glance "233 of 250".  WTF? Must be a server problem.  Oh well.

Went to hangar to grab a 190A5, which I've been testing out, and saw a bunch of the planes had been greyed out.  What parallel universe did I stumble in to?  Oh well.

Grab my A5 and head to the biggest red bar.  Carrier offshore with a sky full of A6Ms and F4Fs; fairly typical I guess so I engage a Zeke.  He turns and charges at me head-on.  My guns are bigger than his so I accept the challenge and see hits all along his engine and wing roots.  Two pings on my plane, small calibre.  As his plane falls to pieces we collide.  I lose. Oh well.

Grab another 190, but this time shackle a bomb.  Fly to the newly-captured base and decide to bomb the VH.  1 bomb won't kill it but it'll be good practice.  I push the nose over, line up the target, pickle it off.  Meanwhile two bogeys are rolling so instead of pulling straight up I continue my dive and augure with guns blazing.  Oh well.

Grab another 190, with bomb, to hit the carrier.  I get there and its already on fire.  I nose over with flak clouds all around me.  Just as I'm about to pickle, I explode.  "Wolf8U has shot you down." Oh well.

Grab another 190, but at the hangar I glance down at my last mission's score. "-55.0" Whoa!  WTF? An A5 is now perked?  Ooops! Fortunately I still have over 4,000 perks left, so no big loss.

Grab a 109F but by now the fighting is just about over.  The Bish and Knights are beating the crap out of each other on another front, but its too far away from any of my Rook bases, so I bail and call it a night.

This morning I see:

"We hope that through further growth we can add even more diverse offerings such as more time periods and perhaps even time periods outside of WWII such as WWI or the Korean War. This format will also provide more impetus for us to try and comprehensively develop the plane and vehicle set with stuff that would otherwise get swallowed up by the late-war monsters and see little use outside of special events."

Yeah, baby!  Let me be the first to say "Most excellent!"

Now, about adding the Sherman to mid-war tanks...

And the Dewoitinne D.502, or the Morane-Saulnier, or Brewster Buffalo to early war ...

And Dauntless Devestator...

And MiG-1 and MiG-3...

And J2M...

Offline Reynolds

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My first night in the new arena
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2006, 06:39:03 AM »
Yeah, that was my suprise when I took a Spit IX, ran out of fuel, then discovered it was perked. I was like %&@%!!!

Offline lazs2

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My first night in the new arena
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2006, 08:56:50 AM »
perked?   never noticed.  I have 25,000 perk points... probly added another hundred in the F4F last night.   no use for the darn things so far.

Public Relations Officer for the BK's

Offline Reynolds

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My first night in the new arena
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2006, 02:00:53 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
perked?   never noticed.  I have 25,000 perk points... probly added another hundred in the F4F last night.   no use for the darn things so far.

Public Relations Officer for the BK's

Lucky you. I have 180.