My dad was 60 years old when I was born. As a young boy, he made Christmas very special for me. He used to climb on the roof over my room on Christmas Eve and stomp around making me think that Santa's reindeer had landed there. Sounds silly perhaps, but to a 7 year old, this was a great thing.
When I learned that there was no Santa Claus, I had the most sickening feeling in my was if I had lost something very much a part of who I was.
As I continued to grow up and attend school, we were taught that our Government stood for what was good and honorable. That we were represented by a Government that was representative of our will, not that of a selected few.
At the age of 24, I felt that same sickening feeling in my gut when I learned of how our Government actually operated. It was discouraging.
As I have watched this current election unfold, and read the posts of differing opinions on this board, the same sickening feeling of those past years returns.
We have become a divided nation...some argue that being diverse is our strength. Being diverse and being divided are not the same. My Bible tells me that a house divided against itself cannot stand...history bears out this same truth.
Some of you may simply say that what I have described is called Growing Up...well, I would agree in part. However, it has never been more clear to this man, that to place your faith in mankinds ability to self-govern and to solve his own problems is most certainly a death sentence.
Perhaps it's time to re-examine where we have placed our faith while we still have the opportunity.