Actually I have AH in mind when I think of the new box. I don't do any 3D animations or graphic. I use AutoCad but in 2D.
The other thing that might be a factor is that I store LOTS of music and photos and I will have to setup a sort of backup system with my existing 3 SATA and IDE hard drives.
I also play with creating music but I doubt it needs a high tech PC. Oh, in my existing box I use dual XP booting. One XP setup ( on the other HDs) is kept very bare just to play AH without all the other progarams. That's what actually crashed twice lately; my backup HD with AH in it ( it happened on an old HD as well as on a new one ) just loses data and partition info. It's 5 years old, built for AH1.
I was also looking for an IDE cable that can connect 3 HDs but I guess isn't being contemplated since I don't see one online.
So really, all I'm looking for is AH frame rate and graphics.
I used to know all the terminology and socket type/ram speed and stuff, now it all looks like russian
I might see you guys again in the arenaS soon!