I saw this post about your Recruiting for VMF-251 The Buccaneers
I am a New-Bee to AHII. But I am interested in finding a squad now.
A little about me:
1. I am a 58 y\o Retired Hospital Cardio-Pulmonary Services Director
2. What combat flight experience I've had was as a frequent passenger in
Huey's with Delta company 3rd Bat. 173rd Airborne in 1968 during TET.
So far I have
1. Purchased a Saitek X52 System and learned how to Profile it.
2. Made my own set of Rudder pedals.
See: Adding Pictures to your Forum Posts or Replys in the
Hardware and Software Forum. (Reply # 1)
3. Spent a lot of time in the Offline Practice area.
4. Since I first saw your Recruitment post I have been practicing
with the F4U-1D.
I will be really interested in teamwork and cooperation, using real tactics
for wingmen, flights, and full squadron-strength
I am a fan of the F4U since Boyington and the Black Sheep.
I am not a veteran with experience in a squad.
I am interested in and capable of the type of team-work you are
wanting to establish.
There are some things that I can help teach everyone.
There are many things I can Learn from veterans with experience in a squad.
If I sound at all like what you would want as a squad member contact me at
My Name is Neil