Author Topic: poor gunnery - any tips  (Read 2611 times)

Offline uberhun

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poor gunnery - any tips
« Reply #30 on: November 02, 2006, 05:45:39 PM »
Here is a gun computer download that can help you with some of your probs.

Offline Gwjr2

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« Reply #31 on: January 11, 2007, 07:50:27 PM »
Originally posted by DamnedRen

I'd suggest you spend a few sessions in the Training Arena (TA). You can go in there and turn on lead compute sighting. This shows you where you should be aiming to get the rounds into the target.

You can turn it on by hitting control-tab. Then just use the tab key to cycle through to your selected target. You will then see a couple of +'s. These are the guns aim points to hit the target.

Get up fly around and dogfight until you get used to the picture you see in your sights for a given angle off the target. After a while you will see that some of those shots actually require a little more lead than you think.

The feature is not available in the other online arena's so don't try it in the LW arena. :)

Good luck
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Offline Mustaine

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poor gunnery - any tips
« Reply #32 on: January 11, 2007, 08:21:42 PM »
heyas Schatzi, and others, wanna see wht you are dealing with in a "vet" :rofl

a bit embarrassed to post this, but it was from today, and it is getting to the point where I am totally lost on shooting. :huh :O :eek:

wanna lend an old dog a hand?

Ps. you are not allowed to laugh :mad:
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Offline BaldEagl

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« Reply #33 on: January 12, 2007, 02:18:46 AM »
OK. I havent read all the posts but from what I've read here and in the past I'm going a bit contrary to convention.

I set convergence on any gun .50 or higher at D650.  I set every gun smaller in a pattern from D400 to D375.  My normal firing range is from 600-400 in short bursts with tracers on until I have a hit then I open up.  I always fire all guns.  My hit rate averages between 6 and 9% so I think I'm in range with most players.

Here's my convergence theory:

Most guns .50 cal or better including cannon have pretty good balistics and can fly some distance and still cause damage.  This includes the German fighter cannons but they require a slight amount of additional lift compared to the US .50's and the Hispano 20 mm's (which to me seem almost identical balistically).

Guns in the 7.9 and .303 range don't fly so well so I keep them short.  Beyond D300 or D350 they are of little use.

My ranges then are potentially from D650 to D375 at point convergences, almost exactly my firing range, and more reasonably from D1000 to D200 in wing banks.

So what happens in a furball when distances are much shorter, say D200 or when all guns are set at D650?

1.  I dont have to lead as much because my guns are already aimed higher but, in a tight turn I still can't see my opponent under my nose (thus the use of short bursts until I find range).  In a tight lead turn my wings are also in-phase with my opponents so I'll either cause serious damage to BOTH his wings or, if my shots are off the mark, I'll only take off one wing while peppering the cockpit with the other side.

2.  I can usually saddle up on and get in phase with most planes if only for a moment.  If my wings are in phase with his, again, I'll cause serious damage to BOTH his wings.  If my shots are off the mark I'll only take off one wing while peppering the cockpit with the other side.  Same thing in a snapshot.

So does this mean that you have to be in phase?  Not nessesarily.  If it's a rolling fight he's going to roll through one wing bank or the other.  You just have to watch, anticipate and snipe.

This convergence set-up also allows me to take shots as long as D800 with some accuracy helping a lot against bombers while fighter kills at D1000 are possible.  I'm not afraid to take on a bomber in almost any plane with this set-up as long as my guns are .50's or better.

Why leave tracers on?  Why not?  They help me find range quickly.  If the enemy sees them and turns, great, because I mosly fly T'n"B planes and I'll saddle up and take a snapshot or lead-shot on their break.  In a T'n'B fighter I WANT them to turn so why not make them nervous?

What about if it's B'n'Z not T'n'B?  Doesn't matter as I'm not going to open until D600 anyway and by the time the tracers fly by my enemy I'm already off the trigger and pulling out.

Another thing I do is use zoom in most fights.  I zoom in ~ 50% and flip in and out of zoom view depending upon the situation.  If possible to use, zoom really helps tune my shots in (especially at distance in level flight) but when the turning gets tight it goes off or I lose peripheral vision.  It also goes off to check SA.

I'm sure many will argue my set-ups and tactics but they work for me.  I'm not the best pilot in the arena by far but usually am able to hold my own.
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Offline Ghosth

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poor gunnery - any tips
« Reply #34 on: January 12, 2007, 07:40:13 AM »
The one thing that I've seen loads of people do, is once they learn to fire short bursts, and start watching their ammo. They forget that once your actually getting hits on him, that you need to KEEP SHOOTING TILL HE GOES POOF!

That is not the time to scrimp on ammo. As long as your still seeing hit flashes, keep pouring it in! Granted you want to be in your convergence range, and sure your hitting. Also its amazing how many folks don't get the kill they are working on because they are working for 3 or more kills and don't want to lose their ammo.

Kill the dog you have in front of you then see if you have enough to go hunt again, or if its time to RTB. But make those decisions after the fight, don't worry about it during the fight.

Also I agree with Meddog, 10 min off line doing a variety of shooting will put you into the main lean mean and ready to score. Its the equivalent of calibrating your eyeball before you start,  so you KNOW its going to work. So you feel more confident, & that equals more kills.

Offline stantond

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« Reply #35 on: January 12, 2007, 08:08:04 AM »
That's a good point about warming up.  After a week or sometimes even a few days away from AH my gunnery is off.  It's something I have accounted for in most cases, but it happens.

Offline shooting with the LCS is a good way to 'warm up' before going online.  Jumping into the TA and using the LCS helps too.  Being comfortable and confident that the one second burst in front of the target will hit makes a difference.  It also helps to keep you from getting killed because of spending too much time on the target when you missed the first time.



p.s. Knowing what to do is not the same as practicing what to do.

Offline Clutz

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poor gunnery - any tips
« Reply #36 on: January 15, 2007, 12:12:30 PM »
I typed something here in this thread, but after thinking about it, I decided I hi-jacked this tread, so I am going to start a new one. Thank you.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2007, 12:43:11 PM by Clutz »

Offline titanic3

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poor gunnery - any tips
« Reply #37 on: January 15, 2007, 12:26:15 PM »
just use ur 303 cal to aim ur guns and use the 20mm to kill. leave the converge at default. also if u wanna get a better shot and not waste ammo, use the bracket key [] to zoom in. u have to becareful when you use this because u can't look behind you, so always check ur 6 b4 zooming in. Ok? captain ka-booky?:D

  the game is concentrated on combat, not on shaking the screen.


Offline HomeBoy

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« Reply #38 on: January 15, 2007, 01:07:28 PM »
Clutz made a good point before he deleted it.  :D

He was saying that he likes to blame poor gunnery on lag.   I think that's way more common than most of us would want to admit.  I certainly want to blame my crappy gunnery on lag.  It seems reasonable too!

However, consider this.  If you go into the TA one night and lag, warping, etc are horrible!  Planes are jumping all over the place!  Now, you TAB your LCS over to the plane you wish to shoot and line your pipper right up on the little green plus sign.  Now, if you fire right then, you WILL DEFINITELY hit that aircraft!  Lag or no lag!  No question about it.   The truth however is that aircraft is ACTUALLY on your six because of the lag (hypothetically exaggerated to enhance the point.)  Because of the way AH is programmed, you will get those hits because that is the picture YOU are getting whereas the poor slob you are shooting will be getting "magic" hits from "somebody" while he is lining up on your six.  He may even believe killshooter is on.  :)  Is this not true?

Therefore, I have come to believe that this "my gunnery stinks because of lag" is just a myth.  Don't misread what I'm saying here.  I'm not ripping Clutz or anyone else who suspects lag is responsible for poor gunnery.   I'm just trying to find the truth on this for myself.  I will say this:  there are some nights when I have a steely eye for gunnery and get kills like a pro (not often.)   There are other nights where I can't hit Robin Hood's barn!   This is what makes me want to blame lag.  If it is not lag then I sure would love to know what that's all about.  Maybe it's like my pool game.  There are nights when I can run the table and look like Minnesota Fats (ok, a bit exaggerated) and then other nights where I look like I'm playing the first game of my life.  Maybe that's lag too!  Maybe I'm somehow having an "out of body" experience and there is sufficient lag there that I'm missing my shots.  Hmmm,  perhaps I'm on to something here.

Anyway, this is just a theory of mine and I welcome being shown where my logic is flawed.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2007, 01:22:46 PM by HomeBoy »
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Offline BaldEagl

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poor gunnery - any tips
« Reply #39 on: January 15, 2007, 01:14:09 PM »
Originally posted by HomeBoy
Maybe it's like my pool game.  There are nights when I can run the table and look like Minnesota Fats (ok, a bit exaggerated) and then other nights where I look like I'm playing my first game of my life.

Yep, exactly how it goes (and my pool game too).
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Offline Ack-Ack

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poor gunnery - any tips
« Reply #40 on: January 15, 2007, 01:34:04 PM »
Originally posted by glennco
Yesterday I took some advice and turned back on my tracers, and it was amazing how poor of a job I have been doing at leading my opponent.  I'm going to leave them on for a while to get used to leading properly again.

I'll also being paying you folks a visit in the TA.

Be careful not to lead with your tracers.  That is the mistake a lot make when they have tracers turned on.  The main reason for having tracers turned off is that it forces you to use the gunsight to calculate your lead.

So if you're going to fly with tracers on, do yourself a favor and force yourself to learn how to lead with the gunsight and not the tracers.

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Offline HomeBoy

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« Reply #41 on: January 15, 2007, 01:44:29 PM »
I think you can do yourself no better favor than go into the TA or offline and use the LCS to target enemy.   You don't even have to shoot to benefit; just line your pipper up on the little green plus and try to remember that picture.  I did about an hour of that on Saturday and kept finding myself saying "you mean I have to fire way over there?"  It is a fantastic exercise and I am convinced that if you spend 30 min a day doing this, your gunnery will be noticeably better in a short while.

I intend to take my own advice on this.  ;)
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Offline Condor

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poor gunnery - any tips
« Reply #42 on: January 15, 2007, 02:12:13 PM »
I wonder how many recognize the name "Minnesota Fats".  homeboy, your age is showing.   :) I guess mine too. ;)   I took your suggestion.  Now I know why I never hit anything.
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Offline Blagard

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« Reply #43 on: January 15, 2007, 05:29:35 PM »
As I fly Spits more often than not I have only just changed my "fire all guns" to fire MG and Cannon separately.

Saddled with using a Spit IX low down (ENY got rid of my usual XVI), I used the 303's at longer range (400+) and got the NME turning, then at 200 let rip with the Cannon! Nice ride with 4 kills on one "clip" - A bit of luck helps to! (Tracers off at the moment)

Offline Serenity

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poor gunnery - any tips
« Reply #44 on: January 15, 2007, 06:18:29 PM »
Heres what I do (on spitfires at least):


MG's (Outboard): 250
MG's (Inboard): 225
Cannon: 200

Then close to 200. Dont fire any farther out than that. Calibrate one button to Mgs, one to cannon, and one to both. Then range him with the MGs, and if you think you have the shot (From 200 or less, never farther) then open up with MG and Cannon. Keep in mind the ranging with MGs and descision process can only take a second or the enemy will break. But basically it comes down to dont fire at more than 200 yards.