Originally posted by whels
you wana unstagnate game play change 3 things (NOT split arenas).
1. reduce HO shot leath/accuracy
2. stop the suicide divebombing buffs
3. make it way harder to deack a field so that vulching isnt so
easy. right now its so retardedly easy to deack n vulch. and guess who
gets vulched more ......... newbie cause they will up up and up.
1. I dunno, how would Hitech program for this? and how do you know if its a HO, and not a lucky hit on the nose? The real problem is the "training" from the beginning. People dont know how to do the different styles of fighting, so just HO... And i think this is what the smaller arenas long term goals are for... helping new people learn.
2: totaly agree, again, this is probably because new people dont know how to bomb properly. proper level bombing takes time, practice (help) and did i mention time? Most people cant be botherd wasting time to climb to alt... These people shouldnt be in bombers to start with. Bombing from only the bombsight would be the only way to fix this (except Ju88, A20, b26)
I also hate it when you see bombers drop there eggs, then bail out, or alt f4 or whatever, so they can get back in the buffs straight away..
3: I dunno, the land grab part of this game means that planes or GV's upping needs to be stopped, to be able to take the base. This means people need to vulch, or take out hangers... then you get the moans about these people taking undefend bases, when less than 15miles away is another base that could quiet happly defend the attacked base, but this rarely happens. I for one "love" trying to defend the base, then if successful, using the force that came to the base to defend, to now attack... The fight can rage for hours this way, one minute over your base, the next minute over theres.
The main issue i think your talking about, is runway "bashers"? or whatever its called... The pilots that instead of fighting the planes that are there fighting, come in and vulch people trying to land, or reup... when theres plenty of planes in the air that need to be delt with first? This is where ack needs to be stronger. But i think the main issue is that we fight over BASES, not over land. Its mostly over there base, or over our base. This is one of the reasons i like CV battles, because the ack there is very strong.