Author Topic: saitek problem "longer than a august day in dallas with no ac"  (Read 932 times)


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this letter is really written to the saitek people as i think the prob is with their eqip but i though you might have ideas so if you got a half hour have a read hehe.also saitek i think you should add a extension for aces high to your websigh as i think this will be a very prevailent stick in the game considering the amazing price/value of this stick ( if i can get it workin lol)


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saitek problem "longer than a august day in dallas with no ac"
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2000, 01:53:00 AM »
think i got it this time

emachine 366is  ( not clocked )  366 celeron
running windows 98 ( not r 2)
64 meg of pc 100 mem running at 66 mhz
Rockwell usb external modem 56k v.90 in back modem port
 usb x36 controller set
voodoo 3 2000 pci
p.o.s. mouse
Toshiba 17 monitor

howdy yall i have a 2 month old saitek x36 combo usb and have loved the operation of the stick and found so much ajustment inside the principal hobby/obsession/game aces high ( as far as control set up i have been able to use the stick without benifit of the game software  i.e. gaming extensions . i unfortunatly ran in to a difficulty this evening that i cant work around.

in the stick config menu contolpanel/gamecontrollers ( the stick panel in windows) , i imediatly get the properties screen ,as if i had pushed the "properties button" and this screen that shows the calibration wont go away no matter how much i press "OK" or "cancel" it disappears for a  .5 sec and then comes right back even hitting the "X" at the top left will only kill it when followed by a quick press of the "X" in    the game controllers menu that is beneath it . i am baffled on this  and ,

also in the "test/show calibration menu"  menu i am forced to view unless i am qwic like the fox, button 10 seems permanently on no matter what i press or flip on either the stick or throttle. i just stays lit.

in the game aces high when i go into setup/stickmaping  in the top right panel where the numbers are displayed for some reason "button 11"  is always lit ( not 10 as you might imagine ) this was not a problem ,tho i swear it wasent this way when i first installed it  because i had no difficulty using the "aces high" control setup the first time setting up my hat views and now it is impossible because, since the 11 button is always highlighted/active i cant set any views (without 11 getting added at least) which hoses setting anything properly in any setting menu.  

also even tho i have changed settings such as mode multiple uses in saitek gaming extensions ( referred to as sgi ) and have done so successfully the stick just doesn't seem to recognize the changes ( im mean like changing fire button "b" to emulate key stroke "B" in mode 2 as opposed to what ever it would do in mode 1 ) it seems that the stick isent interfacing with the software ( although i have the saitek icon in the bottom right program running tray )

i have installed all the dx updates called for on the saitek site and the stick is installed properly i think ( first software then reboot then plug in stick and windows gets drivers no error messages at all that part seems to work fine.

i have used this stick and love the control ( i use 0 damping and 0 deadband and 0 scaling  except for rudder in aces high which seems weird but works great and really simplifies a real pain ( getting scaling right )i really am in love with it and no one else i have spoke to has these probs.

i have tried totally removing sgi 1.1 and reinstalling it ( emptying recycle bin and rebooting before reinstall) found all the exact symptoms and so chucked it and got sgi 1.3 went thru whole procedure again and got identical results ( same things described above )

well hope that is accurate and helps i tried to be detailed sorry if it was long winded I'm grateful for any help in advance

well while i was written this i redownloaded the newest version of aces high i will try uninstalling and reinstalling it next and see if that helps

P. S. also saitek i believe you should add a extension for aces high to your websight as i think this will be a very prevalent stick in the game considering the amazing price/value of this stick  im shur if you posted and asked for a well worked out stick set up on the bulletin board at you would get several well though out designs to offer your customers ( the game has more controls than a Chinese typewriter hehe)

well off to try something else  

sean brookins  

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saitek problem "longer than a august day in dallas with no ac"
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2000, 09:20:00 AM »
I have a feeling that you will have to get windoze 98 SE.

He heeeeee, still not enough buttons for me.  I want my PC Dash,waaaaaaa,waaaaaa!!
I think the problem with the PC Dash is my MAMA board


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saitek problem "longer than a august day in dallas with no ac"
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2000, 11:23:00 AM »
hello again got the problem solved !!
 turns out it was totaly the stick . the old drivers for saitek gaming extensions (1.1) just plain dont work on some systems,like mine hehe. but most of the prob was a button on the trottle marked aux 1 it seems that in the center or pushed to the right position this presses a key and holds it causin mast of the problems with it . and now my keyboard emulator works !!!!! so i can have flaps on the stick ( and jsut about every other button ( im just giddy at the thought )can us say p38 time hehe.


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saitek problem "longer than a august day in dallas with no ac"
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2000, 11:31:00 AM »
I recently installed the Saitek USB combo throttle and stick and it works fine. I am also using Thrustmaster analog rudder pedals which work fine with it in AH.

I assume you have DX 7a as that's required for this stick. Your probably also aware that you need Service Pack 1 for Windows. Otherwise the only other thing I have is Windows 98 second edition which might be the problem.

Try giving their support sight a call. They probably know the answer.

There are so many combinations of buttons and hats that it would be impossible to have too few buttons to program.

I like the feel of the stick, especially since I just came from an old Thrustmaster F22 pro with stiff springs.

Ranger Bob

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saitek problem "longer than a august day in dallas with no ac"
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2000, 09:47:00 AM »
Originally posted by RangerBob:
I recently installed the Saitek USB combo throttle and stick and it works fine. I am also using Thrustmaster analog rudder pedals which work fine with it in AH.


I also have a very old set of Thrustmaster Rudder pedals that I'd like to use with AH and the Saitek X35T/X36 USB setup.  Are you saying that you have them all working fine together?  Were you able to use the X35T/X36 in actual USB mode, or did you have to plug them in with the 15 pin joystick connector?  Where exactly did you plus your Thrustmaster pedals into?

Thanks for the feedback.


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saitek problem "longer than a august day in dallas with no ac"
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2000, 05:38:00 PM »
As a Brit Spit Driver would say "Piece of Cake Old Man"

Connect Saitek combo throttle and stick into the USB port. Connect the rudder pedals into the SECOND JOYSTICK port. Not the one you use to use to plug your stick in, but the alternate one. You should have two Joystick ports on your game card. Now if your using a sound card that only has one joystick port I'm not sure. You'll have to experiment with that but if you can get it to calibrate the rudders in windows as another stick it will show up as an option in Aces High.

When you go into Windows to calibrate the USB combo will already be done as you know. Just set up another stick and call it your rudders. I checked rudder pedals and chose some analog stick or something for a basic stick. You have to choose a basic stick to go with the rudders even though you don't really have one set up with these rudder pedals. Then I went into calibration and just hit enter or clicked next to get past the request to calibrate the stick portion. Then calibrate the rudder portion. When done it will tell you that you haven't calibrated your stick, but just ignore it and finish to save the setup. You may have to fool with this set up a bit, but once you can calibrate the rudders it will work.

Now go to Aces High and in setup for joystick you'll see both sticks as an option. Make sure you choose the Aces High control for the rudder, and rudder axis, to be mapped to whatever you called the second stick you set up with your rudders calibrated.

AH will look for this second stick for rudder movements and the combo for the rest. Now program the rudder flapper on the throttle in Saitek for another use. I use it for flaps. Comes in handy right there by your fingers.

I'm not sure about connecting it all together and then into a 15 pin joystick port. If all else fails I guess you could try that, but if you have two joystick ports on a game card you're in business.

Good Luck

Ranger Bob

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saitek problem "longer than a august day in dallas with no ac"
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2000, 05:49:00 PM »
Terrific response RangerBob....

Appreciate it...

I think I'll see if I can find the USB X35T/X36 combo in Toronto (that might be my biggest problem) and use it with my old Thrustmaster pedals.

Thanks again...



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saitek problem "longer than a august day in dallas with no ac"
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2000, 06:59:00 PM »
Having just ordered it Badger-- don't hold yer breath. Seems they really deal only with the online ordering only for retail.

PLUS, they only do UPS ground delivery. Damn poor idea if it's coming to Canada. I sent it to a friend in washington and am getting him to resend it by US post here. Total shipping is around $10US that way. YMMV. Can't wait for mine  

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saitek problem "longer than a august day in dallas with no ac"
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2000, 07:07:00 PM »
Thanks Sorrow.....

CompUSA here in Phoenix have a boat load of them on shelf for $99 U.S.  Unfortunately, it's a bit much for me to carry back on the plane to Toronto.  I come down here once a month for business, so if I can't get something local before the next trip, I guess I'll be forced to squeeze a set into my suitcase.  Hmmmm..maybe I could leave the wife in Phoenix and put them on her seat for the trip back.

Do I have my priorities mixed up?  
