Author Topic: Connection guide for dial up  (Read 485 times)

Offline DoctorYO

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Connection guide for dial up
« on: February 15, 2000, 03:24:00 PM »
Gents here is a guide to help dial up accounts get a more stable connection to the internet.  It is accurate and complete.  Its says it has a copyright so note the link as opposed to me posting it here.

Note I agree with this article with the exception of the fifo buffer setting set to max.  I have the most success setting transmit and recieve to minimum in AW, WB, AH, Everquest, and Quake etc...(multiplayer games in gerneral)  Use what works best for you...

The registry/network settings can even help some high speed internet access also..

Now this is from a quake players mentality; so I know some are biased or skeptical but I won't mention any names.(Lephturn)

Pardon your bias for a half a second and give it a try, it may help you.


JG 2

Offline Lephturn

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Connection guide for dial up
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2000, 04:48:00 PM »
Hehehe, I guess I didn't mention that I play Quake as well...  Doc when I talked about quake in the other connection thread, I was speaking of the network architecture of the game compared to Aces High in regards to how lag affects it.  A high quality and low latency connection is still the best way to play both games, it's just that latency does not have the same effect in Aces High due to the hit-detection and movement stuff all happening on the FE instead of on the server.  However, for both types of gaming you need to create a network connection that is optimized for quality and latency instead of for bandwidth.  Check out an article I'm working on that relates to this topic at

DoctorYO that link is a great guide to optimizing your modem connection.  I agree with you DoctorYo, turn down your FIFO buffers.  In my experience, this will build a connection with slightyly lower bandwidth, but with better quality and often lower latency.

One other thing that this article does not mention but that specifically applies to Aces High.  We want to optimize a connection for high quality and low latency, not for bandwidth, so setting the highest bandwidth speeds does not always yield the best results.  Try creating a connection just for playing Aces High that limits your connection speed to 28.8 or 33.6.  A 28.8 connection will provide enough bandwidth for the amount of data AH will use, and many times the consistency, quality, and even latency of the connection will be better at a lower speed.  Test it and figure out which settings work best for you.

The Flying Pigs
Visit Lephturn's Aerodrome for AH news, resources, and training data.

[This message has been edited by Lephturn (edited 02-15-2000).]


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Connection guide for dial up
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2000, 05:28:00 PM »
I tried some of these suggestions. Improved my connection alot. Thanks for the post DoctorYo.


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