Author Topic: <<S>> Simaril  (Read 3164 times)


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<<S>> Simaril
« Reply #60 on: November 06, 2006, 06:28:13 PM »
Originally posted by Guppy35
Funny you use this analogy.  As kids, we used to set up street hockey games all the time.  Cars would come by on occasion, but they never once raced through, knocking over the goals and destroying the game.    It was never their goal to ruin the game.  They'd slow while we moved things to the side so they could pass, but they never wrecked the game and this went on many many times in the course of my growing up.

Seems to me that Slap's point was everyone knew what was going on.  Neither side wanted the 'game' they were playing to end, and a single person decided to race through and destroy it just because they could.

That has nothing to do with folks playing the game the way they want.  That's just to be a jerk.

dan maybe i missed something here....

did the buff pilot taunt or say something to the effect of "hey i want to ruin your game"?

or did a guy playing the game as it is designed decide to sink a sinkable target that some guys were using outside of its designed function?  Maybe he didnt fully believe the "we promise we wont take the base" on ch 200.  i guess we could ask hitech if cvs were supposed to be furball guessing they are designed to be offensive weapons used to capture bases. in my experience..the best fights are between cv and fields when there IS a capture attempt going on..adds some spice!

and i guess im missing something else...its EW....buffs suck there...why didnt the cv guys kill them and reap tons of kills??  that would be within the game's design and allow plenty of action. ...or.....why didnt they first kill ord at nearby fields and not worry at all???? no..they want a instant DA in  a main arena...and that remains their problem...i again pose the question...why dont the like minded individuals go to the da where there are no cvs...there are close bases etc?  

i hate to suggest folks work within the realm of the game...i guess we should rely on telling others what to do and what not to do...and then call them names and post on the bbs to try and humiliate them into stopping their legitimate that the behavior you are condoning dan?

dont get me wrong....i would not have sunk the cv...but i also wouldnt be crying on the bbs when something didnt work out as i planned it under the pretense of someone...i believe i overestimated you as well sir slapshot.:rolleyes:
« Last Edit: November 06, 2006, 06:30:17 PM by FALCONWING »

Offline SlapShot

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« Reply #61 on: November 06, 2006, 06:33:26 PM »
did the buff pilot taunt or say something to the effect of "hey i want to ruin your game"?

or did a guy playing the game as it is designed decide to sink a sinkable target that some guys were using outside of its designed function? Maybe he didnt fully believe the "we promise we wont take the base" on ch 200.

He was an active participant in the fighting at the onset and knew full well the intent of what we were doing ... he flew fighters for at least 15 minutes ... everybody involved knew the intent and that is why it lasted as long as it did ... it was just him being a griefer ... just because.

My post was far from crying ... just making note and bringing to light something that I was told "doesn't happen" ... strat guys don't wreck furballs.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2006, 06:35:56 PM by SlapShot »
SlapShot - Blue Knights

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<<S>> Simaril
« Reply #62 on: November 06, 2006, 06:37:26 PM »
well then he was a dork...but still cant grasp why this is on the bbs? do people refuse to filter what threads they start???

imagine if everytime someone got ho'd, vulched, spawncamped, picked they started a thread...yeesh...:eek:

Offline Overlag

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« Reply #63 on: November 06, 2006, 06:38:45 PM »
thing is slap, you take the piss out of "whiners" all the time, but now you whine its different? thats what i mean by you mocking people. and yes im guilty... you mocked me for being annoyed at something that upset me..... so now im mocking you for something that upsets you... what comes around, goes around. what you are seeing is the game, and the way it works... yes, im glad we worked out our differences on the split, and yes you've come up with some good ideas to fix these issues. But this issue/whine you have is virtually invalid. Bases can be captured or sunk, thats not a issue, bug, or gameplay change, its been that way for donkeys years.

lazs says you are the only defenders in the game, yet you cant/wont defend a cv.

and anyway, you dont make the rules on what people can or cannot do. Who says you cant sink the CV unless theres LVT's in the water?

seeing as you was in EW, he must have upped Ju88s, or Lancs to sink the cv. both slow bombers and they would have needed to up from a sector away to not get attacked by you "on the deck" hardcore furballmentalists.

Surely if you furballers are the only defenders in this game (lazs words, not mine as its totally untrue) then you would have seen this threat and delt with it. Instead, your one sided idea of the game ment you couldnt adapt and gain a bit of alt to defend from the bomber ready to kill your cv.... He defended his base, you did not. And here you are whining about it. You say people dont fight each other, but YOU DIDNT fight HIM. so he won. end of story.

However, if im wrong, and he upped from the BASE itself, then why the hell did he even manage to get near the water?

if you want to "furball" (i wont call it fight) without this distraction, go to a arena where you cant loose a base/cv... that would be DA... nothing can be porked in there and you can fight all day long without issues from base porkers and alike.

and you keep saying we play dumb..... well look in the mirror.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2006, 06:44:27 PM by Overlag »
Adam Webb - 71st (Eagle) Squadron RAF Wing B
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Offline SlapShot

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« Reply #64 on: November 06, 2006, 06:39:15 PM »
Originally posted by FALCONWING
well then he was a dork...but still cant grasp why this is on the bbs? do people refuse to filter what threads they start???

imagine if everytime someone got ho'd, vulched, spawncamped, picked they started a thread...yeesh...:eek:

I tell ya what ... you start filtering your threads and posts and I will do the same.
SlapShot - Blue Knights

Guppy: "The only risk we take is the fight, and since no one really dies, the reward is the fight."

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« Reply #65 on: November 06, 2006, 06:41:52 PM »
Originally posted by Overlag
thing is, you take the piss out of "whiners" all the time, but now you whine its different?

lazs says you are the only defenders in the game, yet you cant/wont defend a cv.

and anyway, you dont make the rules on what people can or cannot do. Who says you cant sink the CV unless theres LVT's in the water?

seeing as you was in EW, he must have upped Ju88s, or Lancs to sink the cv. both slow bombers and they would have needed to up from a sector away to not get attacked by you "on the deck" hardcore furballmentalists.

Surely if you furballers are the only defenders in this game (lazs words, not mine as its totally untrue) then you would have seen this threat and delt with it. Instead, your one sided idea of the game ment you couldnt adapt and gain a bit of alt to defend from the bomber ready to kill your cv.... He defended his base, you did not. And here you are whining about it. You say people dont fight each other, but YOU DIDNT fight HIM. so he won. end of story.

However, if im wrong, and he upped from the BASE itself, then why the hell did he even manage to get near the water?

if you want to "furball" (i wont call it fight) without this distraction, go to a arena where you cant loose a base/cv... that would be DA... nothing can be porked in there and you can fight all day long without issues from base porkers and alike.

and you keep saying we play dumb..... well look in the mirror.

Nevermind ... not worth it.
SlapShot - Blue Knights

Guppy: "The only risk we take is the fight, and since no one really dies, the reward is the fight."

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« Reply #66 on: November 06, 2006, 06:45:22 PM »
Originally posted by SlapShot
Nevermind ... not worth it.

see edit of first paragraph.
Adam Webb - 71st (Eagle) Squadron RAF Wing B
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Offline SlapShot

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« Reply #67 on: November 06, 2006, 06:47:13 PM »
Originally posted by Overlag
see edit of first paragraph.

Still not worth wasting my time trying to explain to you. You aren't big enough to say they you might just be wrong ... I am not surprised.
SlapShot - Blue Knights

Guppy: "The only risk we take is the fight, and since no one really dies, the reward is the fight."

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« Reply #68 on: November 06, 2006, 06:51:59 PM »
I'm going to have to go with Slap on this one. If you are involved and know your fellow players are using the cv as a fun platform to induce some quick fights and then decide to take it away just to be an arse then that is lame.

Arguing that it is right seems silly to me but to each his own I guess.

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« Reply #69 on: November 06, 2006, 06:59:26 PM »
Originally posted by SlapShot
Still not worth wasting my time trying to explain to you. You aren't big enough to say they you might just be wrong ... I am not surprised.

nor are you... as soon as a base flashes, i take it as an attack on that base. thats my rule...    just the same as your rule that if theres no LVT's then its not an attack and you arnt ment to sink my cv...

my rules, and your rules are both the same,  they mean nothing to anyone but ourselfs. if you want people to play your way, then pay for the game for them.

or, if you dont want to be botherd by toolsheders, goto DA where you CANT toolshed.

How hard is this not to understand?

I perfectly understand your issue, you failed to defend a base, and lost it... that is ALL the issues i see.
Adam Webb - 71st (Eagle) Squadron RAF Wing B
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Offline Oldman731

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« Reply #70 on: November 06, 2006, 08:29:39 PM »
Originally posted by FALCONWING
well then he was a dork

Falconwing, thank you for finally recognizing the obvious.  I can't believe how many people who are obviously very bright, and who represent a bona fide perspective, are trying to defend something that is utterly defenseless.  "Play the game as it was designed" is not what happened here.

- oldman


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« Reply #71 on: November 06, 2006, 11:28:07 PM » are a good pilot and a fun adversary.

my issue here is why the bbs is used to point out isolated occurrences in obvious attempts to troll for responses to flame...

if every night i was to post a " to guys that flew the way i want them to" thread and also slam someone whose gameplay i found lacking wouldnt that seem obvious and self-serving???

how about every time im in the da and some newbie or griefer jumps into a duel and kills me?

how about when two groups are playing the strat/capture aspect of the game in LW/MW and some furball types hop in and vulch or pick guys (horde followers if you will)....would that justify me posting a thread to suggest that all furballers do this?

since i was not there...i cant comment on the specific incident...but if someone sank the cv just to annoy others then i find it wrong...but i also found it wrong when guys took tanktowns/fitertowns and furball island...this happens nightly btw..but thank goodness we dont have to see a post about it each time it happens...

Offline Masherbrum

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« Reply #72 on: November 07, 2006, 12:00:31 AM »
Personally, I saw the demise of the MA when I started the "Truce" to get FT back.   The mentality had already changed by then, I said it a few times on channel and to WMLute via PM.   "The MA will never be the same", and it was true.  

"Strating" was already LONG part of the game.   Some get off by doing this all of the time, but if I see it's working, I'll continue, if not, I stop.    

If I see a country getting gangbanged like Jenna Jameson, I'll switch.   It's a chess piece to me, I have friends in all 3 countries.   I can careless who "I'm flying for", because after all, I am flying for myself, not "someone else" or "country pride".    Heck tonight I logged in as a Rook, saw 120 Bish, 110 Rooks, and 45 Knights.   Rooks and Bish WERE NOT hitting each other AT ALL.   Big fun there, I'm sorry, staying a Rook would not have been fun for me.   That's not for me.

Personally, if someone gets off by attacking and taking undefended bases, more power to em.   That's not for me.

If someone wants to act the "Desktop General" from a tower while griping about "the furballers who are ruining the game", more power to him.   Maybe he'd have a leg to stand on if he was actually flying though.   That's not for me.

If someone wants to at a spawnpoint for an hour and garner 45 kills in a Tiger, more power to em.      That's not for me.  

If someone wants to grab to 25k over a field where the nearest con is 15k below him, more power to him.  That's not for me.

However, to deliberately sink a CV to end a good fight is "the way of the chode".   All in the name of "being a jerk".   That's not for me.

I don't come in here and post threads about this crap, there ARE some who play to be a jerk, and that is fine.   They get away with it and act smug about it.   It's ok, that's how they wish to present themselves.  

Flame away folks, I can careless, because tomorrow I'll log on and do the same things as yesterday, shoot down La7's in a Tony in the LWA.   Maybe I'll fly a Spit 1 in the EWA (I was one of the few who flew it in the old MA regularly).   I am now at the stage of my AH'dom where I NEED a challenge.   I enjoy getting myself into 5 on 1's, because it makes me better in the long run.   I enjoy flying a slow plane because I enjoy turnfighting.

But what I WON'T, and HAVEN'T DONE is post a thread whining like a baby, about "How I fought on the short stack" and "how we need to do something about the numbers in the Arenas."  

I don't GAF about numbers.   To me flying Knights tonight gave me 230 potential targets when I logged on.  THAT is me.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2006, 12:03:53 AM by Masherbrum »
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« Reply #73 on: November 07, 2006, 12:16:54 AM »
Originally posted by Masherbrum

Offline Hammy

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« Reply #74 on: November 07, 2006, 03:31:20 AM »
Originally posted by SlapShot
And you keep playing ... ummm ... being stupid cause you sure are making my day.

roflmao, u really are a tard, i always thought it but know i KNOW it.

I have yet to see anything positive or constructive comes from either of your keyboards but pissin' and moanin

Says the guy who stated this whining thread lol:rofl
« Last Edit: November 07, 2006, 03:34:55 AM by Hammy »