Nope, no Meteor this round. No biggie. I was hoping for the D520, Ki43, or other such obvious missing plane in the set list.
So now my vote goes for the Me410.
As for the Meteor not filling any gaps, I disagree. I would have been the bane of the Me262 unless it was moving at 5000mph+ when the encounter began. I'd also be willing to bet the Meteor would not have had any less of a perk price than the Me262, since the only real advantage the 262 had was outright top end speed. From scanning the stats, the 262 was inferior in all but the top speed. The Meteor would have bridged the fastest of the prop aircraft and the Me262 nicely. I'm not seeing the 410 or the Yak3 doing anything new or bridging any gap, but that is my opinion. As always, it is good to add more aircraft to the AH plane set, regardless of someone's opinion.