Ok, the terrain wasn't available on the server, I had to use another terrain. Randomization method ended up with Rangoon, so the setup is on Rangoon map now. My mistake, I should have checked that the terrain is available before planning a setup on it. Oh well, now the planes are the same, but the map is a bit different.
Axis vs Allies: PTO 1941-42
It's late in December of 1941. The Japanese have advanced to Philippines and Wake Island.
Axis (knights):
A6M2, B5N, D3A1, M-series.
Allies (bishops):
P40B, F4F, Hurricane Mk. 1, Boston III
All ack .25
Capture requires 20 troops
Fog visibility 10 miles
Radar: Historical
Killshooter OFF
Fuel burn 1.5
Let me know if something has gone wrong. Enjoy.