Author Topic: Well, it didn't take long, did it?  (Read 2874 times)

Offline Maverick

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Well, it didn't take long, did it?
« Reply #135 on: November 17, 2006, 11:24:02 PM »
The REAL war, which has NOT erupted yet, is all about Iran controlling the
whole ME then the whole world.

Ya know I seem to recall seeing much the same thing regarding saddumb and Iraq just a few years back. Iraq trying to tie up the entire ME under saddumb. A unified Arab coalition instead of a seperated feuding mass of conflicting pathological intertribal squabbles. It was reported that saddumb thought himself the "modern man" capable of uniting all of the Arab world, under his terms of course.

There won't be any "war" with Iran by the US. Not now and not for some time, if ever. If, or when for the sake of discussion, we did go to war with Iran we'd be in the same situation we are in now with Iraq and for the same good intentions that you are alluding to. Soon afterward the usual power play politics in the US will win out and we will walk away from Iran as much as we will be walking away from Iraq. There is no more fight in the US at this time. The will is gone to actually do something as it is far easier to merely make sound bites and trite phrase instead of honest commitments. The mililtary is still just as capable, willing and able to function but it's the backing from home that is no longer there for a job not yet finished.

It wasn't taken by any enemy, it was simply lost by virtue of loss of identity, purpose, ideals and all the sniping of the rest of the global "community" who would rather b**ch and moan about anyone doing anything rather than get involved in them selves. The country is tired of trying to be the Police Man of the globe and has learned that the world does not want to be saved. It would rather just criticise the ones doing something instead. It's easier and there's no risk to them involved.

Soon the isolationist frame of mind will assert itself. As long as we aren't being threatened directly on our shores we should just stay out of the worlds messes. It's already been stated here on the bbs. The big problem with isolationism and stagnation of global activity is the innitiative shifts to anyone willing to do something. That shift in innitiative will end up biting the country big time.
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Offline Sixpence

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Well, it didn't take long, did it?
« Reply #136 on: November 17, 2006, 11:50:49 PM »
Originally posted by Captain Virgil Hilts
So you know for a fact that the same people who were in Afghanistan and Chechnya are now in Iraq? And you know this how?

Well, if you know bin laden is hiding in a cave...
"My grandaddy always told me, "There are three things that'll put a good man down: Losin' a good woman, eatin' bad possum, or eatin' good possum."" - Holden McGroin

(and I still say he wasn't trying to spell possum!)

Offline Bronk

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Well, it didn't take long, did it?
« Reply #137 on: November 18, 2006, 01:12:31 AM »
Originally posted by FT_Animal

Now here is a man who gets it.

See Rule #4

Offline WhiteHawk

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Well, it didn't take long, did it?
« Reply #138 on: November 18, 2006, 06:27:41 AM »
Originally posted by DREDIOCK
Oil and plastic.

Both absolutely vital to our national interests

If you can think of a better reason. Lemme know ;)

Not that i disagree but are you saying we were intentionally lied to about why we needed to go into Iraq to begin with?

Offline WhiteHawk

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Well, it didn't take long, did it?
« Reply #139 on: November 18, 2006, 06:36:03 AM »
Originally posted by FT_Animal

The REAL war, which has NOT erupted yet, is all about Iran controlling the
whole ME then the whole world. Afghanistan (was done rightfully so) and Iraq
are just pecking points on the trail to Iran. Cutting off Iran by consuming
Iraq and Afghanistan territory.

You will NOT be able to deal with Iran once they have nukes, but they will
never win what they think they will, they will be annihilated.

What we are doing in Afghanistan and Iraq is tiny nibbles of what we need to
do to Iran, like NOW.

My point being, and it's not an insult, IMO it's harsh reality. Some of you
are so fixated on Iraq and slimmy USA politics, that you're not thinking
outside the box and missing the big picture.


Ya know what, peopel dont really read more than 2 or 3 sentences in these forums.:D .  And by the way, we eliminated the Taliban and Saddam, Irans enemies, making Iran the super power in the middle east.

Offline Gunslinger

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Well, it didn't take long, did it?
« Reply #140 on: November 18, 2006, 09:45:25 AM »
Originally posted by WhiteHawk
Ya know what, peopel dont really read more than 2 or 3 sentences in these forums.:D .  And by the way, we eliminated the Taliban and Saddam, Irans enemies, making Iran the super power in the middle east.

Yes and guess who's army is on either side of them?  Do you play chess?

Offline Stringer

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Well, it didn't take long, did it?
« Reply #141 on: November 18, 2006, 10:03:36 AM »
Originally posted by Gunslinger
got it's just AQ that's bad, all those other Islamo fascist advocating the downfall of the great satin should just be ignored completely.

I'm sorry, which other ones planned and carried out 9/11, USS Stark, etc.

So no, you do not "get it".  

I never said any other boogey man of the moment (according to the Admin) shouldn't be ignored, but invading the wrong country sure isn't the answer, now is it?

It squanders our Power and Prestige, and on that I know you agree.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2006, 10:06:38 AM by Stringer »


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Well, it didn't take long, did it?
« Reply #142 on: November 18, 2006, 10:04:38 AM »
Originally posted by WhiteHawk
Not that i disagree but are you saying we were intentionally lied to about why we needed to go into Iraq to begin with?

Actually no I don't.
but to go into this in depth may take a bit.
Please bear with me

I believe and see it as rather obvious that everyone  from the Bush Sr administration through the Clinton Administration. And obviously into the current one, all believed he had them
Or at the very least the very vast majority of people in both parties firmly believed he had them.
There is certainly enough evidence in the form of direct quotes from these people to support this.

And people seem to forget. Or plain do not want to remember it wasn't only our government who claimed he indeed had them.
Just about every other intel agency from just about every major country also claimed he had them.
the question wasn't if he had them. but what to do about it.

So if Bush lied. then so did a lot of other people both here and abroad

As such. And even without WMDs It has been widely reported by just about every news media throughout the years that Saddams goal was to dominate and control the middle east.
He had already shown he had no problem in attacking his neighbors.
As such he was a threat so long as he remained in power

Now while the sanctions were in full effect and fully being enforced by all countries. that threat was seriously diminished.
But. the Sanctions were beginning to break down. It was only a matter of time before they became irrelevant and Saddam would once again become a threat.

Now back to the WMDs. for a moment.
I do believe he had a NBC program (WMDs)
Most countries with any kind of money these days do have them. Including our own
I also believe that after gulf war 1 he had dispersed and hidden this program in such a  way that it would be difficult if not impossible to prove he had them.

As far as his Chemical and Bio programs are concerned.
Most people just don't understand how his programs worked.
They expect to find stockpiles of shells filled with the stuff and that's just not how it worked.
For whatever he was. Saddam was a paranoid and didn't trust many people
As such he didn't keep stockpiles of the stuff laying around to be used at a moments notice  where it could be used by just anyone who had a mind to. Possibly against him.
When they were to be used. they were mixed or put together on site.
where he would have people mix and/or add these things to the shells just prior to firing them

As far as the chemical weapons go. Most of the chemical weapons were probably made up of duel use chemicals.
Meaning there were other legitimate uses for these chemicals besides weaponry.
As a very basic example
Most homes have such dual use chemicals.
Most people have both bleach and ammonia.
Now in and of themselves and when used properly for cleaning there is no problem and they serve a legitimate purpose which would be hard for anyone to complain about.
 But. if you mix the two together. You get a poison gas. Viola you just created a chemical weapon.

As far as his Bio program is concerned.
With Bio weapons you don't need tons and tons of the stuff. A little dab will do ya.
A teaspoon of Anthrax for example can kill a whole lot of people
From everything I've read. the amount of material he is supposed to have  you could fit into a common garage.
Now imagine hiding the contents of a common garage in an area the size of Texas. And having 10 years to do it in.
Not exactly the hardest thing in the world to do.

Then there is the still unresolved case of the missing nuclear material.

I believe he had them yes. But he had them in a way that would be difficult if not impossible to prove. So it doesn't surprise me that we haven't been able to find much..

Now. Back to the reasons for war.
Again. I see it as rather obvious that both parties firmly believed he had that capability. I don't believe anyone was intentionally lied to by any administration  or party about his capabilities.

Diplomatic solutions were failing. As I said. Sanctions were starting to fall apart.
Secret deals with France. Germany, and Russia were being developed for the full lifting of sanctions.
We know this from the Dilfer report

Once the sanctions were gone. It would be harder and harder to legitimize the reasons for use being there and enforcing anything.
And Saddam again would be completely free to do as he pleased. And again be a threat to the region. And probably be a pretty pissed off one at his neighbors at that. Saddam wasn't real big on forgive and forget.

With him as a threat to the region. we would be a threat to our national interests. That being. the flow of oil from the ME
As I have stated many times here on these boards.
"Oil isn't just in our national interest. it IS our national interest"
And it would be kinda hard for anyone to dispute that

Wars since the beginning of time have been fought to protect or acquire what is the countries interests from trade routes to gold, to sugar and tea.
None were more vital to a countries way of life then oil.

And we must protect and fight for what is in our vital national interests.

Now we knew that Saddam at least HAD a NBC program. It would be downright foolish to assume he either didn't still have them or wouldn't start them up again once sanctions were lifted. Which again as the Dilfer report points out was exactly his intentions once sanctions were lifted

Now. with that in mind we had some choices to make.
We could do nothing and hope Saddam would decide he was going to suddenly change his stripes and play nice nice.
Which was possible. It was unlikely as hell. But it was possible.
We could attack now while he was at his weakest.
Or we could wait and attack later when he has re gathered his strength.

Problem is if by attacking now. We run the risk of looking like fools if nothing was found.
Yet if we wait until later when something does happen.
The potential cost would be much much higher and more difficult
And people would be screaming why something wasn't done before
when we had the chance.
Damned if ya do. Damned if ya don't

Sanctions are a good short term solution to persuade countries on smaller issues.
They are a poor long term solution as they only work if everyone fully and completely participates in them in the long term.
Which rarely if ever happens.
Sanctions wouldn't do the job. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to look at the problems the world now has with North Korea, and Iran and see how well sanctions work in the long term.
Eventually you have to deal with the problem.
IT seems to me foolish to wait to deal with a problem when it has gained strength. And prudent to deal with it when it is at it weakest

You don't wait for a tumor to become cancerous before you deal with it
And you don't wait for a known cancer to spread before you deal with it
You don't leave a loose shingle on the roof un repaired on the off chance it will never cause a leak.

Do I think we were intentionally lied to? No
There were more then enough people on both sides that thought so dating back to well before GW to give that claim any kind of legitimacy
The question was to deal with the situation now. Or later.
To deal with it later just means your passing it off onto someone else

Oil was and is the end game though. No question about it.
Its the reason to be concerned about the WMDs and Saddam trying to dominate the ME. While I don't believe he was a direct threat to us. He was a threat to the ME. and as such he was an indirect threat to us by way of our national interests
And its not just about gas
 Plastic being one of the leading byproducts of the oil industry is also absolutely vital to our national interests.
All one without even leaving their seats needs to do is  look around them and see how important plastic has become.

Oil, gas and plastic aren't just mere wants. They are at the point of absolute needs. As literally everything comes to a screeching halt without them.
And they will continue to be so well into the foreseeable future
To the point where we cannot tolerate threats to those needs any more then we could tolerate threats to our food supply.

I have said all along I was and are in favor of the actions in Iraq.
The only reason I needed to be given was "Because its Tuesday"
I would have supported it no matter who was in office. Be it Bush,or Clinton
Or Gore. Or if Barbara Streisand  were president for that matter.

The way I see people on these boards are however. Had Clinton done it Or had Gore been elected and done it.
Most of the current nay sayers would be in favor of it and most of the current supporters would be whining about it. (note I said most. Not ALL)
Not through any kind of critical thinking though.
though points can be made in either direction through critical thinking
That type of thinking is rarely used here.
But purely out of politics and the bias that comes with it
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Offline Stringer

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Well, it didn't take long, did it?
« Reply #143 on: November 18, 2006, 10:08:24 AM »
Originally posted by Gunslinger
Yes and guess who's army is on either side of them?  Do you play chess?

It was always better to fight Iran by we had Saddam do in the '80's and he would have done again...

That's chess......Bush, et al, are playing dumb bellybutton checkers.

Offline lukster

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Well, it didn't take long, did it?
« Reply #144 on: November 18, 2006, 10:19:09 AM »
Originally posted by Stringer
It was always better to fight Iran by we had Saddam do in the '80's and he would have done again...

That's chess......Bush, et al, are playing dumb bellybutton checkers.

I have to disagree with ya. Choosing the battleground is strategerlic.

Offline john9001

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Well, it didn't take long, did it?
« Reply #145 on: November 18, 2006, 11:03:19 AM »
ask the Kurds if saddam had WMD.

Offline VOR

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Well, it didn't take long, did it?
« Reply #146 on: November 18, 2006, 12:41:38 PM »
Originally posted by john9001
ask the Kurds if saddam had WMD.

(Don't try to ask the dead ones.)

Offline FT_Animal

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Well, it didn't take long, did it?
« Reply #147 on: November 18, 2006, 03:43:33 PM »
Originally posted by WhiteHawk
Ya know what, peopel dont really read more than 2 or 3 sentences in these forums.:D .  And by the way, we eliminated the Taliban and Saddam, Irans enemies, making Iran the super power in the middle east.

I agree to a point, maybe 50%

Getting rid of the taliban did not give Iran power, getting rid of Iraq\Saddam DID.

I do not believe that we should not have ever gone to Iraq, what I disagree with is the shallow mentality at which it was carried out and the cheap *excuses* that were used to get us there. Lets face some simple basic facts of life,...The entire world knew Bush was going to come up with reason\excuse to go to Iraq LONG before he even took office, it's not a coincidence.

Should *someone* have toppled Saddam? IMO yes, also in IMO, Bush was the absolute worse person to lead it. Don't make me go there because there are pages of long post why Bush was the absolute wrong man to lead it on many many levels. Most of which are obvious to anyone who wants to actually think about it. It didn't require hind-sight 20/20. The entire event was predictable. To ignore it is just that.

Keep in mind a lot of this is opinion mixed with the facts that are given.

Offline FT_Animal

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Well, it didn't take long, did it?
« Reply #148 on: November 18, 2006, 03:58:04 PM »
Originally posted by john9001
ask the Kurds if saddam had WMD.

We'll the only thing I say to that is that you rearrainging timelines to make your point. That's why we went there in 91. Lets not mix 91 with 03, because the real math doesn't work.

The reason used in 03 was WMDs were still there in 2001-2003 (still present). According to 4 reports from *4* different countries inteligence agencies or studies is there were NOT. I have read all 4 reports. You're trying to mix apples and oranges. Saddam got smacked down for what he did to Kurds in 91. The point was that he get rid of them or get smacked down again. The excuse was that he didn't get rid of them, all available reports say he did or that none were found. All 4 reports call the accusation unfounded. When Saddam screwed up was not allowing them proper access to see if he did. That was the only reason that made the "excuse" workable.

IMO we should have done in Iraq in 91 what we are attempting to do now, then it would have been accepted by many. Notice, no one is complaining about going to or still being in Afganistan. In Afganistan where the real reason is is a tiny force compared to what we have in Iraq based on false information. If you can't see the intent here, then I'm wasting my time.

Nothing personal, just a clash of opinions.

Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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Well, it didn't take long, did it?
« Reply #149 on: November 18, 2006, 04:09:30 PM »
Originally posted by FT_Animal
I agree to a point, maybe 50%

Getting rid of the taliban did not give Iran power, getting rid of Iraq\Saddam DID.

I do not believe that we should not have ever gone to Iraq, what I disagree with is the shallow mentality at which it was carried out and the cheap *excuses* that were used to get us there. Lets face some simple basic facts of life,...The entire world knew Bush was going to come up with reason\excuse to go to Iraq LONG before he even took office, it's not a coincidence.

Should *someone* have toppled Saddam? IMO yes, also in IMO, Bush was the absolute worse person to lead it. Don't make me go there because there are pages of long post why Bush was the absolute wrong man to lead it on many many levels. Most of which are obvious to anyone who wants to actually think about it. It didn't require hind-sight 20/20. The entire event was predictable. To ignore it is just that.

Keep in mind a lot of this is opinion mixed with the facts that are given.

So now the truth comes out, it isn't the war you disagree with, it's Bush. Thank you for finally being honest about this. So now that we know it makes a difference who it is that steps up and does the right thing, and if the wrong person does the right thing it's now the wrong thing, we know how to deal with the rest of your argument. Dismiss it for the unadulterated bullcrap that it is. Saddam needed to be removed, but because Bush did it, removing him was the wrong thing to do. No wonder I DON'T miss reading your blatant stupidity.

And by the way, I have family AND friends doing multiple tours in the sandbox. THEY believe in it, and I believe in them.
"I haven't seen Berlin yet, from the ground or the air, and I plan on doing both, BEFORE the war is over."
