Author Topic: 109 films  (Read 517 times)

Offline porkfrog

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« on: December 07, 2006, 11:02:25 AM »
Creton was nice enough to post 2 films I had sent him for evaluation in a thread we have going in the Help and Training forum. They are within the thread titled, "More 109 questions again". I'd appreciate it if some of you might watch those films and offer critiques on what you think I could have done better, and where/if I did something right. 1 is me in a furball, the other is in what starts as a 2 v 2. I survive the furball. Both films have me in a 109.

Had a great vertical stall fight last night against one of the LTAR. It was either Hook or Ghst. I wish I had it filmed. I was in a 109F and he was in a G14. We were both nearly at stall speed with me slightly higher and in front of him. He looked like he stalled and I chose that instance to cut and run because I was directly over their field and facing several other NME trying to climb into the fight. I dove out and extended, with the intention of drawing him away from the field and forcing an otd stall fight, where I was hopeful my 109F would outperform the g14. It worked and he chased me out. I cut throttle and started a gradual nose low break turn but misjudged his closure rate and before I could attempt to force an overshoot, he tagged me good from d600.

I have promised myself that I will fly variants of the 109 exculsively for all flights in "attack" mode. I'm upping in every condition imaginable including heavily capped fields. I'm learning the 109 come hell or high water!!

Pigs On The Wing

Offline porkfrog

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« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2006, 03:30:39 PM »
wow. no takers to review my 2 films =(

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Re: 109 films
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2006, 03:36:44 PM »
Originally posted by porkfrog

I have promised myself that I will fly variants of the 109 exculsively for all flights in "attack" mode. I'm upping in every condition imaginable including heavily capped fields. I'm learning the 109 come hell or high water!!

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« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2006, 04:06:54 PM »
I took a look at the "furball" one....I'll give you a couple of quick comments.

The biggest "problem" I noticed was way to much "pure pursuit" this often put your target under your nose. If you get used to being slightly out of plane in lag your situated with the bogey in your front quarter view...your then rolling the nose into plane and thru the target....when your in pure pursuit (in plane with the bogey your pulling ahead and "fishing the nose" for all your shots....

Personally I'd lose the zoom, if your flying the 109 right you dont need'd have hit the F6 just fine without it....

during the earlier part of the clip I didnt see any cohesive quality to the evasives....the good part is he couldnt hit you...the bad part is he was always behind you. You cant let a guy stick behind you that long. Evasives need to be combination punchs...each move sets up the next and at some point (pretty quickly) the con is put in a spot for a "1 timer"....he gets that 1 chance and then your on the offensive....especially the US .50 cal birds...they will pick you apart 1 control surface at a time if you let them stay there.

Did see nice SA, good reaction to pings, nice plane handling and use of flaps, rudder and throttle....just keep plugging away...

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Offline porkfrog

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« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2006, 04:17:41 PM »
thanks snaphook. i'm trying =)
Pigs On The Wing

Offline jhookt

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« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2006, 04:23:29 PM »
clearly a troll cause LTARs cant fly!!!

hehehe  yea we did have a good go at it. i'm not a 109 expert at all but had i been you i might have tried to stall out sooner and rope.  like i said last nite you had all the advantages with exception on wingies and that night have been what spooked ya. but for all intents and purposes you had me ded to rights, i was just lucky enuff to squeeze out a bit more E when you extended away.

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« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2006, 04:40:43 PM »
i thought i was doing ok for awhile. i kept trying to spiral climb in the hopes of forcing you to stall out but you kept hanging in there. you also did have my 6 and were always close to having a solution.  i knew you had to be damn close to stalling because i was damn close to stalling, but everytime i looked back you were still hanging in there. as i looked around i was also seeing a lot more nme than friendly and that had me spooked a bit. i was certain i stood a good chance if i could get you out and alone for a bit, if i could only force the overshoot. i obviously failed miserably in that endeavour and ended up eating the deck with oil on my face. <> to you Hook. Was a fun fight.

Please explain what you mean by "stall out sooner and rope"?
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« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2006, 05:11:09 PM »
well u started out above me and stayed above me untill you dove away. i think maybe if you woulda pulled up more i prolly woulda followed up and then stalled out immediately. you knew we were both on the edge of stable flight but you still had 600 away and above. its possible that i might have gotten a luck snap shot but not likely cause 109 seems to be very unstable at stall speeds. had u gone more vertical and me follow i most definetly woulda flopped over and you do the same BAM instant 6 shot.

i reviewed your movies as well and (keep in mind i am by no means what could be defined as good) i think your main problem is the 30mm ballistics. for instance in the furball clip you were having a hard time of it clearing Habu's 6 of the spixteen but the kill on the F6 looked great. i think that might be a attributed also to the fact that you were forcing the lead a bit.

i understand full and well that what i just said makes no sense but here me out for a sec.

"on the spixteen" jerk the stick, shoot, re aquire target, repeat.
whereas on the F6 it was a nice easy transition you had the angle you were in side his turn you just allowed enough lead and blamo ded.  i took the g14 offline for about 30 min the other nite to get a feel the roud trajectory and drop.

as for the n1k video i dunno there is prolly a different approach you shoulda took. instead of letting the n1k loop over you and dive back in roll in behind him.  109 has a pretty good climb and while you were low and slow you weren't that bad off. also i don think i woulda tried to turn with the n1k in the scissors. better to use your speed and extend get some alt and E and try it again

just my perspective be sure and take it with a grain of salt

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« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2006, 05:26:28 PM »
certainly! i am still lacking any knowledge of the nikis abilities and wasn't sure what to do. keep in mind though that the spixteen had already hit me 2 good pings and i was missing some control surfaces. i was completely slow low and in deep S so a prolonged scissors was all i could really muster, while he was free to loop and climb and all kinds of stuff in a lag pursuit. i think my major mistake was following the spix all the way down to make sure he went into the drink. i shoulda maintained alt and fought the niki.
Pigs On The Wing

Offline Creton

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« Reply #9 on: December 07, 2006, 05:38:34 PM »
I recieved these films from JOLLY.I thought I'd post them for evaluation,as I'm sure he wouldn't mind.

I posted one of my films as well to show a lil different style.If you notice,the first pony I encounter is VSSE ,but after a few turns he bugs out and in comes OlDemon,who allways gives me a run for my money.I actually ended up getting the LA-7 as I neared my base.He reversed into me and after a scissors fight I shot him down.Landed deadstik.

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here's a 109G clip...
« Reply #10 on: December 07, 2006, 06:41:22 PM »
I just shot. Not my favorite plane and i couldnt find a spit 16 for you:)....but it gives you some idea of how I try to fly it. Obviously Creton is your "role model" but until you get to the uber stage some of this might help you. Big things I'd comment on are i'm almost never in plane with my target bogie. Now I'm on defensive here 90% of the time but you'll notice I slowly work my way out from under the high lala then defend the 1 on 2 till I get a look...I cut out the last bit since the jug took 1 more pass and scooted....hope it helps....

I'll fly a few looking for a spit or two over the weekend......


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« Reply #11 on: December 07, 2006, 06:54:06 PM »
:D :D


I'm average at best look at k/d I die more often than I live.

Offline JB35

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« Reply #12 on: December 07, 2006, 07:37:02 PM »
If you can , wing with Creton if you aren't already , hes a damm good stick in the 109 listen to him and pay attenting.

 Creton and I jumped into a few 1v1 the other day his 109K v my F4U1-A , some of the Best fighting I've had in a long time.

<> Creton

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« Reply #13 on: December 07, 2006, 07:47:21 PM »
OK, some comments on the first.  

1) You need to look around more.  
2) You should have neutralized the first F4U that came after you.  I think you believed he was lower than he was or had less e and you'd just be able to climb away from him but he proved that wrong.  When he was under you on his first past he had 300mph while you only had 200.  If it were me I would have dove in front of him and had my nose up before the pass.  That would give you the speed to separate if you chose not to engage instead, you motored along and he gained a major advantage on you being only d400.  
3)  Did I mention you need to look around more?  
4)  You have two good examples of a high yoyo.  The first example at 1+46 was well done and exactly what you needed but you could have done something a little different on the second at 2+30.  Your mistake was you did too much of a yoyo.  By extending in the vertical too long you let the range open to over D600 plus, since the spit continued to turn you lost angles.  You correctly went directly from a high to a low yoyo to reclose the distance but you can see that you had a real high track crossing angle and difficult snapshot at the next pass which you missed.  
5)  If I haven't mentioned it you might want to look around some more.
6)  I also noticed you seem to always be pulling for a kill shot which isn't helping.  Instead of being too aggressive on the second yoyo you could have done a very short high yoyo and gone right back in but in lag pursuit so you stay close but get less angles off of his tail for an easier shot.  the point is to think a couple of steps ahead and set up the kill shot instead of always thinking the next shot will be it.
7)  Overall a good job but did I mention that you needed to look around some more?  You were very lucky as for a good deal of time you were completely boresighted on the spit.  That should have gotten you killed but luckly the guy behind you was a lousy shot.

Hope this helps.
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« Reply #14 on: December 07, 2006, 07:47:50 PM »
Originally posted by JB35
If you can , wing with Creton if you aren't already , hes a damm good stick in the 109 listen to him and pay attenting.

 Creton and I jumped into a few 1v1 the other day his 109K v my F4U1-A , some of the Best fighting I've had in a long time.

<> Creton

What the hell is a JB doing in an F4??

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