I'd suggest some or all of these:
1. Put a real HS\fan on the GeForce. Get some good heat grease and mount it properly. Most of the stock ones would do the job if the surface was cleaned and mated to the chip with proper heat grease.
2. Add a fan or two to your case. One sucking in the side blowing on the PCI cards, and another sucking air out the top of the case.
3. Make sure your power supply can handle the extra load. A 300 at minimum, and a good quality one.
Or you could do what I do... leave the side off and sit a table fan under your desk. <G>
Lephturn - Chief Trainer
A member of The Flying Pigs
http://www.flyingpigs.com "My P-47 is a pretty good ship, she took a round coming 'cross the Channel last trip.
Just thinking 'bout my baby and lettin' her rip, always got me through so far."
- Steve Earl
[This message has been edited by Lephturn (edited 09-17-2000).]