Author Topic: Trukk  (Read 437 times)

Offline RedTop

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« on: December 12, 2006, 05:41:24 PM »
Easier to answer here than PM....

As far as I know , bombing Strats doesn't have very much effect if any at all on the "War effort". Now with that said I believe I read that in the very near future this will change.

I'm posting your answer here as I could be wrong and some may help me out here.

As far as 71 sqd. goes and showing you the "Ropes" we would be happy to show you things from a fighters perspective.

We do very little base capture or Bombing ops. in 71sqd. We have been known to capture one here and there but for the most part we do 3 things.

1. We start a fight someplace.
2. We defend a base.
3. We furball.

We'll sometimes try to help a capture by "Capping" a field. Which usually and I hate to say it means killing quite a few before they get a chance to fight. We have escorted a few buffs to thier targets and done so with pretty good results.

We'll Deack a field for people at times and fight there.

We're a fighter Sqd.

Now , back to your question.....

When I was doing base capture stuff , the most important target to get first is the VH. You can kil the FH's and leave the VH up and 9 out of 10 times your capture will fail. Unless you have brought a hunge amount of planes to kill the town quickly and troops are right there ready to drop.

The VH IMHO is key. Then the FH's. Then the BH's. This is of course if you have enough to kill the town as well. Base Capture should be done in a way , for lack of a better term , of over whlming force and very quickly. Again thats just my opinion.

We are on vox 171 and Knights. I generally fly in the am or very late at night U.S. time. IF you have some questions I would be more than happy to talk with you.

I'm not the best at anything in this game. But I ain't the worst either.
Original Member and Former C.O. 71 sqd. RAF Eagles

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« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2006, 03:50:05 PM »
I guess we're just trying to figure out the basic mechanics of the game.  Our squad isn't into the furballing style of gameplay, we're much more interested in flying realistic missions.  In WWIIOL we flew escort for another squad who were really hard-core bomber pilots.  They flew deep bombing missions at a time when it had zero effect in the game, just because they liked flying bombers (eventually WWIIOL added a strategic layer, albeit pretty basic).  We're much more realism grognards, than quick action guys.

So we try to add our own RPG layer to the game with our own stats, awards, etc.  Sort of a game within the game, and as part of that we're trying to figure out how we can fly realistically but at the same time make some sort of contribution to the "war effort".

For example, last night in Orange most of the fighting seemed to be going on between two airfields.  So just having discovered the clipboard maps, and seeing that the enemy airfield had a radar tower, we decided to fly a level bombing mission to see if we could take it out, and if we did, would the enemy airfield lose it's radar.  We did, and it did.  Our assumption was that if the enemy airfield didn't have radar it would make life a little easier for our guys who were attacking it.

So that's the type of thing we are trying to learn.  I saw that post from Hitech about strat changes, so I realize that things will be changing but we'd like to know things like:

1. What effect does bombing a city next to an airfield have on the airfield's fighting ability if any, and for how long?

2. If we destroy all the ammo bunkers on an airfield what effect does it have and for how long?

3. If you take the radar down, how long does it stay down?

4. If a target is down, can you keep it down by attacking it again, or do you have to wait until it comes back up and then take it down again?

5. If we bomb a munitions/fuel/AAA factory, does it have any effect, if so for how long?  Is there a way for us to see the before and after so we can see how much damage we did?

6. If you bomb a factory are all the buildings the same, or are some buildings more valuable than others?

7. Does attacking truck convoys and trains have any effect, or are they just for looks (ie not an actual supply link)?

8. Are cargo (re-supply) runs worthwhile to try and get an airfield back in action?  Do you get any feedback as to how much of your supply made it to the airfield (with an air drop)?

Thanks for your help.

Offline RedTop

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« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2006, 04:19:11 PM »
Ahhhh...Ok now I see where your at...Cool. Ill answer these questions for you as best I can.

1. What effect does bombing a city next to an airfield have on the airfield's fighting ability if any, and for how long?

Bombing the City next to the airfield basically only limits the ack. However it is the thing you MUST bomb and competely take down i order for a base to be captured. When the city is falt , you can thne drop troops which run into a map room and capture that base. ALL Buildings MUST be destroyed in order for the base to be taken. I believe the city starts rebuilding in 30 minutes

2. If we destroy all the ammo bunkers on an airfield what effect does it have and for how long?

This will limit thier effort to take bombs from that base. They can get ammo for planes , but bombs for the bombers are dead.. I believe this is 30-60 minutes.

3. If you take the radar down, how long does it stay down?

AT the base it is down for 30 minutes

4. If a target is down, can you keep it down by attacking it again, or do you have to wait until it comes back up and then take it down again?

you must wait til it is back up and drop it again

5. If we bomb a munitions/fuel/AAA factory, does it have any effect, if so for how long? Is there a way for us to see the before and after so we can see how much damage we did?

Now this one I am REALLY not sure of. I know on the clipboard there is a way to check the enemies muntions. Such as it would say 60 percent , 100 percent and so on. How it effects the over all play of the enemey is , The more damage you do the longer it takes things to come back. IF I am not mistaken. SO if you destroy 60 percent of the AAA it will take longer at the fields for this to come back up.

6. If you bomb a factory are all the buildings the same, or are some buildings more valuable than others?

Not sure...think al the same.

7. Does attacking truck convoys and trains have any effect, or are they just for looks (ie not an actual supply link)?

Attacking convoys and trains will slow the resupply of a base I believe

8. Are cargo (re-supply) runs worthwhile to try and get an airfield back in action? Do you get any feedback as to how much of your supply made it to the airfield (with an air drop)?

definatley. If a base is bombed to heak , running resupply with goons or M3's from a nearby base is well worth it for the guys trying to defend it.

You must also think of this....In the case of resupply of a base , there are different things to take from the other base. When in a C47 going to take care of a field , bring Field supplies. IF there is a big ole GV Battle going on near a base , you can run M3's out to the tanks and help them out. In that case take Vehicle supples. Resupplying your GV guys is a good deal. When supplies are dropped they can fix their damage and reload their tanks and stuff.

Hope this helps you out. Good questions to
Original Member and Former C.O. 71 sqd. RAF Eagles

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« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2006, 08:16:59 PM »
Thanks for the info RedTop!