Author Topic: blocky horizon?  (Read 402 times)

Offline faminz

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blocky horizon?
« on: November 23, 2001, 09:09:00 PM »
I get a very blocky/chunky horizon when flying.
I noticed that a mate had a nice smooth horizon that faded into the sea realistically. How do i get this? I have a geforce 256 DDR set at 1024x768 32 bit. My desktop is 800 x 600 and I have antialiasing set OFF in the video settings.  :(

Offline Specterx

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blocky horizon?
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2001, 11:23:00 PM »
I have this effect occasionally, and it seems to be caused by a combination of altitude, viewing angle and lighting conditions. At dawn or dusk and at high alts (20k +) the "blockage" is at its worst, while at low alts at around noon I don't notice it at all. In general it's not really noticeable.

Offline faminz

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blocky horizon?
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2001, 01:59:00 AM »
I see it pretty well instantly after takeoff. Wouldnt bother me but on another PC it was a perfect horizon effect. Question is... is it something I should try and fix or is it expected?

Offline sling322

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blocky horizon?
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2001, 06:24:00 PM »
Check your view mode.  There are 3 view modes....shift+f1 is the greatest detail and shift+f2 and shift+f3 are a little less detail which improves initial framerates but makes the detail at a distance worse.  Play around with those and see if it gets any better.

Offline faminz

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blocky horizon?
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2001, 08:11:00 PM »
Doh!!! slaps forehead!!! Thnx sling, yes it was shift+f1 I mustve had low detail on. What a dork, Its restored to glorious graphic detail now... thnx.  :)