Author Topic: The madness continues...  (Read 537 times)

Offline bloom25

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The madness continues...
« on: December 10, 2000, 11:01:00 PM »
Those of you who have read my "bug ... maybe" in the bugs forum will know what my problem is.  After working day and night on this computer, the problem still exists.  I thought I'd repeat it in the correct forum is the hopes that someone will know what to do.

From the beginning:

I'm off for Winter break, which means I have to use a different computer than I normally use.  I've used this computer for AH for a very long time (since .36) without any problems.  It is a Cel 366, on SE440Bx-2 MB, 64 mb ram, ms sidewinder P pro USB, dx 7a, ATI Xpert 128 video card using driver .6063.  This Thursday I logged on like normal, but things were wrong.  I could not get combat trim to stay off.  In addition views would not stay saved.  Eventually all my sounds would cut out, except the engine sound.  If I ended this sortie and tried to respawn my gunsight would be white, auto takeoff and combat trim would be back on, convergences all reset to 250, views back to default.  No matter what I can't get any settings to save.  If I click the button for "auto takeoff" for example, it will turn off.  I'll then click ok, but if I reenter that menu it will be selected again.  The same thing goes for RW settings too.  All joystick mapping stays the way I had it set.

While posting this bug (I thought it was a bug at least) Internet Explorer 5.01sp1 gave an page fault exception error at module 0187:7881c4ce in Wsock32.dll.  I asked others using this computer if errors like this had been occuring frequently and they said it seemed like it.  Later on posting on the same thread I got another error in module 0187:7881c4ce in kernel32.dll and a stack dump.  (Does anybody know what 0187:7881c4ce means?)

Here's what I've done to try to fix this problem:  COMPLETE reinstall of AH (deleted settings directory), standard scandisk 2 times (no errors), Norton anti-virus scan with new definition files (no viruses found), through scan disk (no errors found after 3 hours of scanning   it takes a long time to do this), I ran the repair utility for IE 5 (still got error).  I then decided to try to install IE 5.5 sp1.  The download was interupted 12.8 MB into it (after 3 hours of downloading   ) with the error IE5WZD caused an invalid page fault in kernel32.dll at module 0187:7881c4ce.  I looked in the Microsoft Knowledge base for a very long time and found this problem listed.  It cited possible damage to the Microsoft VM (java virtual machine) as a possibility for this error.  (IMO this makes good sense for the IE errors, as the errors only occur in programs that make use of TCP/IP connections.)  I followed instructions that said to ren msjava.dll and msjava.old under windows\system and then reinstall the Virtual Machine.  This I was able to do, and so far IE has not given an error message in 2 hours. (Fingers crossed.   )  

Unfortunately AH is still messed up.  I tried to play AH a few minutes ago, but after getting to about 15k and seeing a C Hog diving at me from ultra stratosphere heights I went of AP and tried to evade.  Immediately my plane went into a spin that was unrecoverable.  I checked joystick properties and found the joystick had locked full right.    Just for curiousities sake I tried to enable RW and turn off autotakeoff etc and sure enough, they won't stay saved.  Fearing the worst I tried to spawn an la5 and sure enough: Sounds all gone, gunsight white, auto takeoff and combat trim on, views back to default.  When I hit quit the background was all white like the gunsight.  

Unforutunately reformatting is kind of impossible right now for several reasons:  All my driver disks are 60 miles away and I can't get to them until 1-8-01.  I also don't have a Windows 98 CD here either.

I need to find the magic cure for this problem, something has become corrupted that is effecting both IE5 and AH.  I'm thinking of trying to reinstall TCP/IP and DUN (dial-up networking), but this is not an easy task and will leave the computer dead if I get an error during the process.

I'm hoping someone knows what 0187:7881c4ce module is.  This will give me something to go on at least.

(On a side note I found squad art bmps called tmpwolf37.bmp for example in my windows\system folder???    It looks like any squad that I've flown against in the last week has there logo there.  I'm wondering if AH is supposed to store stuff there, and if so, maybe some settings remained in there that kept the uninstall/reinstall from working? )

I'm not looking forward to the possiblity of NO Ah and the need to completely reinstall windows and 5 GB of data on this computer during my Winter Break.  


Offline bloom25

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« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2000, 11:38:00 PM »
Even though the IE5 error hasn't reoccured after 4 hours now, I went ahead and deleted the swap file just now.  I'm hoping the IE5 errors are now fixed, but I'm not sure what to do about AH.

What I really need to know is if those .bmps are supposed to be in the windows\system folder (maybe other Ah files in there too).  If so, could they be the cause of the reinstall not fixing the problem.


Offline snafu

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« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2000, 05:12:00 AM »
Hey Bloom25,
 Sorry to here about your problems. Can't help with anything technical but I can say this. I don't have any squad art anywhere in my system that I can find except that which is in the "squads" folder in the AH Directory and certainly nothing called "tmp*.bmp" (windows/system included) Sorry I can't be more help Have you re installed Direct X, might be worth a try.


Offline SKurj

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« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2000, 10:58:00 AM »
Fer all the grief this is causing you Bloom, and the fact that its your xmas break... A reformat maybe in order if you wanna enjoy yer holiday


Offline bloom25

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« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2000, 11:13:00 PM »
I could reformat if it wasn't my Xmas break.  All my driver disks that I've made, and all my system disks are 60 miles North of me and locked away until the 8th of January.    I HAVE to fix this computer somehow or no AH for a month.

I need HT to tell me if those files should be staying in the system folder.  If I knew that it would allow me to possibly determine the root cause of this computer's problems.  (Having files using virtual memory that assigned to kernel32.dll will cause my errors.  They are all invalid page faults, so it's related to virtual memory somehow.)


Offline Lephturn

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« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2000, 06:55:00 AM »
I'd say not bloom.  I'd bet that's where they were put temporarily when downloaded initially, but were never cleaned up.

They are only .bmp files, so they can't hurt anything.  I'd delete them, as I can't imagine it would hurt.  Unfortunately, it's very unlikely that those bmp files have anything to do with your problem.

I still think you have a bad stick of ram...

Lephturn - Chief Trainer
A member of The Flying Pigs
"A pig is a jolly companion, Boar, sow, barrow, or gilt --
A pig is a pal, who'll boost your morale, Though mountains may topple and tilt.
When they've blackballed, bamboozled, and burned you, When they've turned on you, Tory and Whig,
Though you may be thrown over by Tabby and Rover, You'll never go wrong with a pig, a pig,
You'll never go wrong with a pig!" -- Thomas Pynchon, "Gravity's Rainbow"

Offline bloom25

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« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2000, 12:30:00 AM »
I'm beginning to think the same thing Lephturn.  (Check my General Disscussion thread and look at the Dr. Watson error messages.  It looks like 2 memory access errors.)  Do you happen to know of any free ware utilities to check ram?


Offline bloom25

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« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2000, 02:57:00 AM »
Guys, the problem was a brand new trojan horse.  Check my thread in the General Forum for details.
