Hey all, I got some new RAM for Christmas. I got two "PQ1 DDR Dual Channel Performance Memory". Here is a link to the company that made the RAM:
http://www.pqimemory.comWell, I installed the RAM into my system. No problems on the first start up. The only problem came today when I started hosting AH. I'm not sure if it's a Virus, a mad player, or simply a problem with the combination of the RAM and the game. Yet today I was hosting, and 8 minutes into hosting had to eject a player for refusing to re-log because he was warping. 2 minutes after ejecting him I got an error screen telling me that a dump of my physical memory had started and that I needed to force-shutdown.
After restart I decided to host again, after the arena had loaded and I was about to switch to the Knight's side my computer froze for 2 seconds and restarted automatically. Now, whenever I host I open my TS (Team Speak) server and Client. I also shut down any unnecessary programs including Explorer.exe (Desktop, this helps prevent memory loss from an accidental hit on the "windows key"). Hosting this way has NEVER caused any problems for me until today when I was hosting for the first time with my new RAM.
Now, I'm not sure what all you need, but I gave you the whole story. I'm gonna run a few virus and spyware scans now to determine if it was indeed a virus or something of that nature. If it was I will alert you here and hopefully be done with this problem.
Thanks in advance!