Author Topic: Radio put-away command needed.  (Read 190 times)

Offline Eagle327

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Radio put-away command needed.
« on: January 18, 2007, 03:06:33 PM »
Have a full CH USB set: Fighterstick, Pro-throttle, Pro-Pedals.

Programmed all using AH clipboard "IN-GAME" controller mapping as the CH Control Manager is far too complex for me (and for the CH tech on the phone as well).

I have programmed one 4-way hat , 3 o'clock position to "/" to pull up the radio in flight to see who is on the vox freq and within my range freq. but........
Cannot locate a keystroke, or command to put the radio away without using  which would transmit.

There seems to be no way to program the "" keystroke to my hat's 9 o'clock position using the "in-game" mapper.   This function is not on the menu.

If you don't "put the radio away" all keystrokes such as

for WEP, <1><2><3> etc for gunner positions, for gear for Baydoors and others simply don't function and place these charactors in the radio buffer instead.
This happens at the most critical times while engaged.

Is there a command other than to put the radio away ?
Is there a trick work-around to do this ?

Eagle, Group XO
327th Steel Talons Squadrons

Eagle, Group XO
327th Steel Talons Squadrons

"Keep 'em level, Mates. Greasy side down."

Offline CptA

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Radio put-away command needed.
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2007, 06:45:24 PM »

Since you are using CH sticks, why not use the CH Control Manager software in mapped mode?

The CM's "Record Keystrokes" function is quite capable of sending the "Enter" keystroke that you need.

The only downside with using the CM, is that when you install the CM software for the first time,  Windows will re-detect your sticks and install drivers for each "Control Manager Device" (Fighterstick, Pro Throttle, Pro Pedals, etc.) in the order that it detects them being plugged in.

When it is done installing, it will have re-named all your CH sticks to Control Manager Device 1, Control Manager Device 2, etc., so you will probably need to re-map the sticks within AH.

Next, create and save a stick map for AH using the CM. The only keystrokes that you will have to record and assign to a button are those commands like the "Enter" key that have no direct in-game equivalent. The rest can still be mapped in-game.

I use a CM map for AH that leaves all the buttons set at the default DirectX buttons but adds labels that I can refer to if I ever forget what button I have mapped to a particular function.

If you like, I could modify my map to your requirements and then email it to you. Then, just start the CM, open the .map, and hit the download button to load it into your sticks. Start AH and you should be in business.

Let me know.


Offline Eagle327

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Radio put-away command needed.
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2007, 09:27:52 PM »
Thanks Captain.....

At the present, I'm not going anywhere near that damned CH Contol Manager utility.  I'm completely burned out on it.

Wasted about 50 hours and 5 phone calls to CH tech.
Enough is enough.  

They apparently have no techs familiar with the CM and AH2.
CH should have stayed with their "SpeedKeys" utility program and modified it for USB devices.

Thanks for the offer anyway.

Eagle, Group XO
327th Steel Talons Squadrons

"Keep 'em level, Mates. Greasy side down."

Offline CptA

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Radio put-away command needed.
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2007, 10:06:51 PM »

I do indeed remember Speedkeys from the old gameport days...and you are right, it was very easy to use. I think that the current "Record Keystrokes" function of CM v4.20 is a holdover from that software, as the interface is similar to the old DOS-based look.

However, I think that the new software is much more powerful and offers so many more options that it is well worth the initial somewhat steeper learning curve.

I don't know who you talked to at CH, but in my experience they have some very smart people...folks like Michael and Debby, who will go way out of their way to get you satisfaction.

If you haven't, you might want to visit the CH Hangar website and browse the forums there. It's well worth the time for any CH owner.

As I said before, I would be willing to give you whatever help you require, and I could even setup a Teamspeak server to talk you through the entire process, step-by-step if you desire.

Anyway, good luck!
