Originally posted by Skuzzy
Mustaine, I think most of the professionals will simply stay with XP until they get Linux versions of the software. I cannot see them going back to Apple. Some may, some may not. Right now a number of studios are using Linux, so for them this is a non-issue.
Linux would be my other personal choice for an OS.
There is $15,000.00 worth of software sitting on a shelf which will never run on Vista due to the changes MS has made. I call that problematic and irritating of a company to intentionally kill some very high end software applications.
So I would like to ask if HTC as any long term plans for an alternate OS with Aces High...It seems many companies have relied on Microsoft systems which seems to be an unstable future and a huge risk for any business.
Linux has made alot of progress in the last several years, and I heard Google is going to take a shot at an OS.
Linux has become as simple as Microsoft products to install, and RPM's are bringing flavors like RedHat near the 'idiot proof' relam of Windows, for installing software.
I would likely never use Windows agin if AH were ported to a Linux platform. It's still not quite as userfreindly as XP, but many window managers look sleek and are full of useful GUI tools and 'wigets' by default.
It's hard to move away from a windows dominated market, but you are putting all your eggs in one basket by doing so, or so it seems to me.
So my simple question would be, is an alternate OS even in the discussion for the future of AcesHigh?