it is quit easy to go and get 50/75/100 kills with no deaths if one sets their mind to it,
I read this a couple of days ago and kind of chuckled. This is the canned statement regarding kill streaks. TC claims this but ask him how many 100 kill streaks he has put together and he will have to answer 0. It's not that he lacks skill, he's a good stick and equally good guy, it's just that it's not easy to do and he's never done it, he's wrong.
Tallying 100 kills in the MA takes some skill, that's a lot of kills. Very few noobs could stroll in and tally 100 kills in a month without some significant playing time. Tallying 100 kills along with no deaths, bails, or ditches requires quite a bit more skill.
Would it take an ace? No, but it would require at least an average amount of skill and some pretty decent SA, along with the desire to enter each of many fights with an eye towards surviving(mindset). Many if not most of us routinely do this for most flights, but not all. Think about it, it's not necessarily the first thought in your mind but it would be nice to get a few good kills/fights and live to tell about it. Surviving may not be a priority, but it's on everyone's mind, usually. If it weren't everyone would HO and ram on the deck(not bothering to climb out at all) and up again.
OTOH, Sometimes we just don't care about whether we live or not, sometimes we just want a good fight or want to kill/accomplish someone/something specific.
A 100 kill streak also requires at least one more important factor: a significant amount of luck. I'm talking plain old dumb luck and plenty of it. Again, think about all the hazards of the MA on any given flight: puff the magic ack, the golden BB on a fast merge or from some guy 1000 behind you.. maybe stalling under you, all the Ho's you have to dodge, collision w/ a damaged, erratic plane, pup-up trees, a train you didn't see, 999000's tail gun (grin), CTD's, internet interrruption, server burps, a warping buff formation, compression at the worst moment, ripped off wings/parts, killshooter!(cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria).
I think my point is clear: It may not take the best stick to get 100 straight kills, but it's not easy.