Originally posted by lasersailor184
This is why society is failing. Every single person here fails to realize that everything is a choice.
You choose to buy gas, or you don't.
If half the US stopped buying gasoline, the demand goes down and so does the price. Then the price of groceries that is affected by diesel prices goes down as well.
I'm beginning to think IQ tests in order to get a vote in US elections is a good idea.
A choice?
An IQ test?
Got some question for you Sir!
You live in one location and work 10 or 20 miles away?
Some people, in order to afford a home, have to live much further away then that.
You gonna walk or bike all those miles every day both ways in all types of weather, snow, rain, high winds, etc... ?
Or are you gonna call in and say sorry Boss can't make it today weathers to bad!
Wonder how long you will keep your job should you do that?
When you need groceries how you gonna get em home? Let's ignore the FACT that you're paying the truck drivers' fuel cost when you buy.
Gonna tie one of those little radio flyer wagons to the back of your bike?
Or maybe drag it along behind you and walk?
That could be a long walk for some one that has to use a cane, or is in the 80's, or very young, or must take the baby along because they can't afford a setter.
Maybe you will go to the local quickie mart type store and pay their prices? And of course your diet will be restricted to only eat what they sell. And you can only use what they sell as well. (toothpaste, soap, oil, etc...)
Maybe you will pay extra and have em delivered?
That is if the store delivers.
When you need to buy cloths?
How about Doctors appointments? Dentist? What about emergency medical needs? Call an ambulance? You do that and you are buying their gas for em and STILL getting the BILL!
IMHO what you call CHOICE for many is invalid!
IMHO It just doesn't work that way for most people.
From my view point it's all LINKED!
Sure you can choose to just NOT buy fuel. But where you gonna live? How much extra will you have to pay to live close to work? You gonna maybe just do without a job? How you gonna eat? What kinda job can you get if you restrict yourself to only those you can walk to or bike to?
Just wondering.................... Do you have a FAMILY?
OH wait! Are you one of those people that subscribe to ride the bus, or go rapid transit?