Originally posted by VooWho
Something that is EW not MW or LW. I'm sick of those. I want EW. Its been about a year 1/2 since something new has come out. The last remodeled aircraft was like 5 months ago.
Because the 20 to 30 players actually in EW or MW at any time need some variety.

Okay, how about the P-39 Airacobra or P63 Kingcobra in it's Russian skin, since 1/2 the Airacobras and nearly all Kingcobras went to Russia, and saw more action on the eastern front. 2nd highest scoring allied ace was a Russian, and he flew these planes.
Or, the 88mm Flak36 towed artillery piece. Long range indirect fire artillery, manned puffy ack, and long range direct fire anti-tank gun.
Threads on both found elsewhere.