Remember that HT's goal seems to be to get all types of players to pursue their interests alongside each other -- which is why he didnt like FT, and said it "slipped by" him. (That implied that he would have nixed it if I realized what was up.) When the griefers were porking FT, HT wanted us kids in the sandbox to settle it between ourselves.
Simaril, are you HTC staff or a spokesperson for them? I mean how do you know this is what is intended by them or not intended by them? They look favorably on this or that, intended for kids in sandbox to work it out....for real, maybe if HTC would post on a TT thread we could hear it from them...but I've yet to see it (btw, if you know a post where they have, kindly show it to me cause I would genuinely like to see it)
As far as indicating Masherbrums avitar, that was just friendly discourse, I thought maybe he would post an opinion one way or another, but did not see it, so asked him to go away then.
Amen Donzo!
Go away Masherbrum, you havn't contributed to this thread at all, you are only on to incite at this point.