Lets ponder a little more on all these little things.
1. Technical.
IMHO, there is not much to choose between the early 109's (including the captured 109, - btw the weight difference between that and what is documented isn't really that much). The 109 is the more powerful bird, bit still in the main Ballpark. The DW would probably have zoomed and dived okay, rolled better, and turned roughly the same. Climb probably less, firepower similar. (More firepower than a 109F).
It would be interesting to see some more data, but just getting good data on the 109E is getting troublesome!
2. Historical.
Although the Battle of France and the Lowlands was quickly over, it was costly for the LW. Numbers vary very much though. Normally it goes to 1000+, but it's a foggy area. Do numbers include Lowlands or just France, do they include Dunquerque (Just those are debated as today). But anyway, in those rough 4 weeks from May 10th to June 10th, a 1000 aircraft loss was a higher loss rate than in the BoB. (NB, there were lots of transport casualties, also many from flak, unlike the BoB which was mostly air-to-air).
So, the D520 was flown and fought in, and faired reasonably well, and not bad at all (if not even better) than other types at the time.
3 Simulated.
The crew of AH could IMHO cook up a reasonably well modelled D520. That is way above the FM of WW2OL. So, with some fighting, I tend to think that the 109E would have trouble with it. There is trouble with the Hurry1 and Spit1 as well. Anyway, well matched fighters usually make the fighting most funny!