I can see the desired to help stay at home parents but I don't see the room in taxes to do so.
If my wife stayed home there is NO WAY IN HELL the Govt could make up for her lost (PART TIME) income. As it is he's home quite alot. I don't make a hell of alot of money so therefore I don't pay that much in taxes.
In fact in the last 5 years I haven't paid a DIME in taxes, the govt has allways given me more back than I put in.
Poor people do not pay taxes so tax releif for us just ins't something I see as feasable without it being even more of a complete hand out.
Witho ut my wife's meager income I'd would be considered poor. The only way you can give me tax releif is by giving me tax exemtion on Gass, Ciggaretts, alcohol, ect ect.
Not saying those exemptions are a good thing for us just that it is the only tax releif left to give to poor people.