I understand this, but we all get caught up in the heat of the moment at times.... I've been playing AH for a while now myself, and this was the first time I've ever dropped the f bomb on chat buffer, though many of times at home I have used much harsher words :-) but so have we all I'm sure.... Anyone that knows me on AH will tell you, I more then respect the other players playing online, never have I disrespected any of the players or those who moderate the game at any time.... And let me clear up the whole f bomb thing, I was a bit peeved when a Bishop player kept coming to a V Base we were defending, and decided to keep bombing my Tiger Tank, instead of going for the one of 8 other players at the base with GV's, so I said on 200 "You squealing Bishops Sux" just like that, not naming the actual player himself and saying nothing more then that, I got a 10 minute ban, and I understood that.... While I was banned for them 10 minutes or what have you, another player on 200 said you bish are gonna take that, and a minute or two after that, I got the message my chat has been suspended... And I was only 6 minutes into the 10 minute ban if even that, so I kinda got to thinking since that player had more then a few squadies on at the time, that him and the squad all reported me at the same time causing me to get my chat suspended... Now to me that is abusing chat report privileges, since the player and his squad was using it in a spiteful manner.... I mean I'm sure none of the other players that read that on 200 were that offended by it, at least not so much to the point where they would all think it warranted a chat suspension... I have seen much more vulgar things implied or said on both 200 and country chat many of times, and often by the same players over and over again, and have never heard of their chat privileges being suspended cause of it... I can see if I was to continue to abuse my chat privies but I did not, I made that one comment and that was all... All I'm saying is I feel having my chat suspended for something so minor is a bit extreme, specially since I had no warning before the fact that my chat privileges can be suspended for something so minor.... Had I known that it would have never happened...