Nightmares were the scouts you saw.
We lifted at T+0 from A46 and sent scouts to sectors 12,10 and 13,11 with orders to stay low, get there fast, and stay just outside of Radar range.
While the scouts went North and West, most of us grabbed S.East.
The scouts immediately started reporting Spitfires in singles and pairs followed by larger groups of other planes. Soon there were reports of Mosquitos low along the coastline as well.
What surprised us however, was how soon the A37 Radar was setoff. It had us wondering what kind of plane had the speed to get there so fast.
We surmised that some bombers had probably come in low.
Soon, the singles and pairs of Spitfire Vs were setting off the Radar all along the coast, probably as part of the Allied deception plan to hide the true plan of attack. When they were encountered, we assigned pairs of FW190A5s to attack the single Spits.
By now, our scouts are reporting small flights of B-24s at 12,10,2 - 12,10,5 Heading S.East, and they continued to shadow them as far as possible.
We vectored South and continued to grab while waiting for the main body of enemy bombers and their escorts to arrive.
Around sector 14,8 one of our flights engaged a light escort of Spit IXs, and then we started on the B-24s. We continued a running fight through sectors 15,8 and 16,8 until they were destroyed. But some still managed to drop their bombs on the Flak Factory before they went down.
Our flights re-armed at A71 and lifted just in time for reports of B-26s near the Flak Factory at 15k. We were joined by some BF110G2s, and together we engaged the B-26s.
to the Allies...a good plan, but you could have used more escorts.