Originally posted by Patches1
That's why I fly the Corsair....
I get the best of all worlds: I can fly Strat Missions, or Furball, or hunt the high stratosphere for Bombers, or surgically strike an airfield. I can take off and land on a CV, or drop 3,000 pounds of ordnance upon one...or sink the Cruiser should I choose.
Eny values seldom keep me from flying a Corsair.
The Corsair....my Strat plane of choice.
I love my Corsair, too!
About the strategy component -- Be careful here, guys. Remember that HT's formula (as he's posted before) is "The maximum fun for the maximum number of people." He's also shown persistent and consistent patterns that stress players of different styles being able to play along side each other, to maximize the fun for each. (For example, look at the difference between the tank town we have -- where at any given moment you might see bombers, GV, fighters, and attackers all doing their thing on the same real estate -- compared with the Donut's "Only Fighters Welcome Here." HT likes what we have, but said he made a mistake letting donut in the first time.)
So -
1) The furballers don't get to decide anything for anybody. In fact, when all factions complain equally, it generally means that karma has been balanced! HT makes the calls, and he does what HE thinks is best for the game.
2) There's a lot of sense in "go with the one that brought you here." Remember that the games you remember (and their strategy models) are gone for reasons that matter -- and HT made better decisions than they did. Those better decisions may include a deliberately simple strat system.
And AH is, for better or worse, a flight sim with a strategic component. It is definitely NOT a strategy game with a simulator compenent. HT's formula has been successful so far, and it doesnt seem likely that he'll abandon it for what you or I have to say.
3) Therefore, as you consider the strat system, try to avoid suggestions that TAKE AWAY people's ability to play. Fuel restrictions are limited, hordes are discouraged, and hangar down times are low, for that very reason.
For example, dont expect to get far suggesting factory/plane restricitions. It's been done before, and AFAIK HiTech was there when they did it. He knows the concept, he's seen it in place, and he decided to reject it. (Same as he rejected a pure fightertown, BTW) On the other hand, you might get somewehere developing an idea that ties intact strat systems to the ability to capture, or to have heavy (1000lb plus) bombs.
You get the idea.
HT is very open to player suggestions, when they make sense to him. Remember that HE'S the professional game designer, and we're just enthusiastic amateurs -- but umlike many professionals, HT has no problem taking a good idea and running with it. There's a long list of examples...
....and hopefully, a more robust strat system will prove to be another one!