Author Topic: Naturally Occuring Global Warming  (Read 2230 times)

Offline Jackal1

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Naturally Occuring Global Warming
« Reply #105 on: April 23, 2007, 10:03:50 AM »
I just saw a little ditty on the boob tube about wind generated electricity.
At the closing it stated "100% Pollution Free".

Right. I suppose you have to wait for the Mothership to land in the middle of the night, bringing the components for this from another planet.

Money money money.....................Mon ey!
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Offline FastFwd

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Naturally Occuring Global Warming
« Reply #106 on: April 23, 2007, 11:33:51 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
fstfwd... so even with the normal increases in tech that we experiance...   you admit that using any model for what will happen in 60 years so far as co2 is silly.
No, not silly. Shows what will happen if the status quo remains unchanged and carbon emissions are allowed to continue unabated, and thereby provides a justification for the measures being taken. Some countries, and parts of America, are enacting legislation to cap carbon emissions. But as fast as we can do that, the Chinese economy is growing (already 4th largest in the world) and counteracting our efforts. When the Chinese economy goes to first place, pushing America into second place, don't expect me to act surprised.  
computer controlled fuel injection was not possible in the 50's or, more importantly, in the 70's when the worst smog legeslation was passed... they made things worse not better.. cars ran worse and got worse milage and put out more smog... when tech caught up... computer controlled fuel injection solved the problem without even going after the smog problem.
Cars account for only about 20% of carbon emissions nationwide, depending on which country is being talked about of course. And, like I said, China... Not so long ago, China had one car for every 300,000 people. Expect that to change in the years to come. Rapidly. Remember, carbon emission is a global problem, not an American one. Although America is responsible for 25%...

Mak333 said

Global Warming is a theory and only that.
No it's not. Haven't you been following Angus's posts? Haven't you seen the pictures he has posted about polar ice cap meltdown? The north pole is now open to shipping because of this meltdown. Most of the ice will be gone in the next 40 years.

If there is a hole in our ozone layer, please point it out to me on a Golly-geen map, because I can't find it.
Different topic, but happy to oblige. There are plenty of maps on the NASA website, created from data sent to earth from NASA's Aura satellite. Didn't you check? Are you just trolling?
Start here -

Offline Laurie

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Naturally Occuring Global Warming
« Reply #107 on: April 23, 2007, 12:12:27 PM »
Global warming IS true but we are blaming the wrong people.

Offline lazs2

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Naturally Occuring Global Warming
« Reply #108 on: April 23, 2007, 02:28:50 PM »
again... you say that the polar ice cap will be gone in the next 40 years.   I say we will enter a natural cooling cycle (lower sun activity) in the next few years... what would happen to your theory then?

We could have much lower sun activity in the next decade and then I will have to listen to all the moaning about global cooling..


But nooooo... now it is "man made global climate change"  because they realize that it is going to get cooler and they will look foolish with their almost completely discredited co2 theory of "man made global warming"

In any case... they need to act fast so that they can take credit for whatever the sun does and get those big grants and power grabs.


Offline FastFwd

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Naturally Occuring Global Warming
« Reply #109 on: April 23, 2007, 03:39:57 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
again... you say that the polar ice cap will be gone in the next 40 years.   I say we will enter a natural cooling cycle (lower sun activity) in the next few years... what would happen to your theory then?
Too late! The North Pole is already navigable by ocean going vessels because so much of the ice has melted. I hope you're right and we DO have some global cooling. And it's not "my" theory. Your own state of California has enacted legislation to cap carbon emissions. I had nothing to do with that!

Offline john9001

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Naturally Occuring Global Warming
« Reply #110 on: April 23, 2007, 04:32:57 PM »
Originally posted by FastFwd
Too late! The North Pole is already navigable by ocean going vessels because so much of the ice has melted.

the north west passage is open, that will reduce shipping costs right?

Offline Dadano

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Naturally Occuring Global Warming
« Reply #111 on: April 23, 2007, 05:05:03 PM »
Originally posted by john9001
the north west passage is open, that will reduce shipping costs right?

Yup! But Florida will experience reductions aswell;)

Lazs, can you point me to your source of this "global cooling" information?

I found this on wiki, but it doesnt help your argument:)

Here are a few climate change sources I'm picking from

Das Wiki
The good ol' EPA
The EU's site

Methinks it is time to pull the heads out of the arses and get real.

What are you people afraid of?
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Offline mietla

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Naturally Occuring Global Warming
« Reply #112 on: April 23, 2007, 05:46:35 PM »
Originally posted by FastFwd
Your own state of California has enacted legislation to cap carbon emissions.

you really want to use a decision by some nincompoops in Sacramento as a proof of anything?

Those cretins gave us MTBE for f*s sake. It cost us 8+ billion to put it in, now we are paying another 8+ billion to get it out. Not to mention the damage to the environment.

Offline john9001

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« Reply #113 on: April 23, 2007, 06:25:18 PM »
"Ice conditions are some of the most severe we've seen in 25 to 30 years," said Frank Pinhorn, executive director of the Canadian Sealers Association. "I've talked to a lot of sealers and they've got holes punched in their new boats and they're taking on water."

Offline Fishu

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Naturally Occuring Global Warming
« Reply #114 on: April 23, 2007, 07:27:56 PM »
Originally posted by john9001
"Ice conditions are some of the most severe we've seen in 25 to 30 years," said Frank Pinhorn, executive director of the Canadian Sealers Association. "I've talked to a lot of sealers and they've got holes punched in their new boats and they're taking on water."

Not sure whether this was meant to point out that the weather isn't warming up, but colder than usually. Eitherways, a strong wind is the cause for this one.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2007, 07:32:08 PM by Fishu »

Offline john9001

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« Reply #115 on: April 23, 2007, 07:38:19 PM »
so unseasonably cold weather is only local, but warming is global. ok?

Offline Fishu

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« Reply #116 on: April 23, 2007, 10:22:54 PM »
Originally posted by john9001
so unseasonably cold weather is only local, but warming is global. ok?

Let's put it the other way around: Temperature changes had nothing to do with the bad ice conditions, but the strong winds.

The thick, moving ice poses the danger of sandwiching and cracking the boats.

"There's an onshore wind that is compacting the ice," Jenkins said. "These boats are on their way back from sealing and then got stuck in the ice. --

The wind is pushing ice against the ships, they get stuck and finally their hull will be breached by several tons of ice compacting around them.

Little more or less ice doesn't matter much when there is more than enough ice to squeeze the lil' boats.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2007, 10:26:45 PM by Fishu »

Offline lazs2

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Naturally Occuring Global Warming
« Reply #117 on: April 24, 2007, 08:36:43 AM »
daddano... try watching the documentary "swindle" that was on the BBC instead of a user based encyclopedia or the EPA (who gave us the carter device for smog and MTBE)  

The video is available on youtube and I have linked it in the past.

The vid explains why we are afraid of giving these boobs power over us.

Millions could die and economies could collapse if they have their way.   More pollution could be created like the infamous MTBE deal.

Do you really trust liberal politicians to make your life better?   are you very young?


Offline lazs2

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Naturally Occuring Global Warming
« Reply #118 on: April 24, 2007, 08:43:05 AM »
fastfwd..  the liberal politicians are chomping at the bit to get more power and money..  they are a bit afraid still of the backlash tho..

Laws will be passed that give lip service to "man made global whatever"   With luck tho... we can drag our feet long enough for the normal sun activity to swing and a cooling cycle to begin and then they will all go back in their holes and plot a new "crisis" to solve.

With luck.. they won't make much "progress" before it all blows over and everyone will forget how these guys swindled us in a few decades.

Hell... dadano forgot how they swindled us allready on the "man made ice age of the 1990's" that was predicted in the 70's.

They just have a better machine for getting out the propoganda now and more willing liberal media stooges.

The "scientists" who are pushing this.....?? I don't think any of em are any more honest or smart than your hero carl frigging sagan and we all know what a lying buffoon he was.
