Author Topic: Mission Editor in Tower off the Clippboard  (Read 162 times)

Offline Wizkid

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Mission Editor in Tower off the Clippboard
« on: April 14, 2007, 08:19:14 AM »
Time: 04/13/2007 2300 EST, shortly before launch of scenario
Location: Special Events Arena, A33 in the Tower
Activity: Preparation for FSO 3 Ring Circus Fr 3

After I had joined the preplanned squadron mission and my handle was listed in the mission itself as participant, I had to leave the arena for a short while. After I rejoined the (SEA-) arena, I was not listed in the mission any more. I tried to rejoin, but the system said, I was already in the mission (but handle not showing).
I left the arena again, reentered the arena and the same thing happened – I could not get my handle into the mission any more.
A squadron mate had the idea, not to just leave the arena, but to leave (log out) AH alltogether, relog and try again.
This time it worked. When I pushed the join button, my handle reappeared in the mission.

This is not a big deal, however, players certainly are surprised with this issue if it occurs, and it bothers you, especially if you are in a hurry, shortly before the scenario is launched.

Inform scenario participants about this issue and the possible remedy.

My System Specs for this particular event:
Motherboard: Asus A7N8X-E Deluxe  (5 PCI, 1 AGP Pro, 1 WiFi, 3 DDR DIMM, Audio, Gig LAN), Bios: Award Rev 1013, 12.11.2004
CPU Type: AMD Athlon XP, 2200 MHz (11 x 200) 3200+
Memory: 2048 MB  (PC3200 DDR SDRAM) in dual mode
Video Card: GeForce 6800 Ultra  (256 MB)
Monitor: LG 901B  [19" CRT]  (1352186125)
Opt Drive: PLEXTOR DVDR   PX-712A  (DVD+RW:12x/4x, DVD-RW:8x/4x, DVD-ROM:16x, CD:48x/24x/48x DVD+RW/DVD-RW)
HDD (0) SAMSUNG SP1604N  (160 GB, 7200 RPM, Ultra-ATA/133)
 HDD (1) WDC WD2500JB-00REA0  (232 GB, IDE)

C: 1-Maxi (0) 30004 MB (20001 MB free) Win 2K
E: 4-Maxi (0) 47685 MB (23586 MB free) Arch II
F: 2-Maxi (0) 30004 MB (11163 MB free) Win XP Pro Ger, AH, CH FSPTPP,
G: 3-Maxi (0) 44923 MB (6266 MB free) Arch I
H: 5-WDC (1) 119279 MB (33547 MB free) Archive Master
I:  6-WDC (1) 119193 MB (119123 MB free) empty reserve

PSU: HIPER 580W modular
Case: LianLi V1200 plus
Connection: DSL, provider 1&1, 3456/448 kBit/s
Frame Rate: 65 – 115 fps

Game Settings: AH II, Version 2.10, Patch 1, Partition 2 F, Resolution 1280x1024, Preload in Syst. Menue, Preload Skins, Max Texture 512, Max Frame Rate Unlimited.
Video Sliders: Object Detail -> 1/3 right, Grnd Detail Rng -> 1/3 right, Gamma -> 1.2
Tickmarks for (yes) Selection: Horizon, Terrain Mipmapping, Transition
« Last Edit: April 14, 2007, 08:22:01 AM by Wizkid »