I'd startup a "National Warbird Training Center" as a center of excellence for training folks on how to fly our rigs. As a side shoot to that, I'd appoint Widewing to re-engineer the jigs for the F-14, F4U, F6F, P-38, P-51, A-26 and others. I'd give Bodhi a blank check to start building a production line of R-2800's, V-1710s and V-1650s from new molds instead of the sand casts they were in originally. We'd sell those to support the center of excellence, and as a bonus, have engines around for the Reno guys since they are guaranteed to blow one or two up.
But most importantly, Nielson would engineer 115/130 Octane refining operation so we don't have the MP restriction on any of those engines with 100LL.
That would be my dream.