Author Topic: yak vs f4u4  (Read 625 times)

Offline df54

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yak vs f4u4
« on: May 07, 2007, 05:19:36 PM »
anybody have any suggestions for tactics against f4u4. I know I dont
have much ao a chance against  a plane that is overmodled but i
would like to at least put up a good fight

Offline Widewing

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yak vs f4u4
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2007, 05:58:03 PM »
Well, the F4U-4 is NOT over-modeled.

As to tactics.. Co-E, Co-alt, the Yak-9U has virtually no chance unless the F4U-4 pilot is a registered dolt.

You must get and maintain an altitude and E advantage to have any success. Your problem is that the F4U-4 does everything better than the Yak.

If you cannot gain an advantage, move on to a lesser target as the -4 will dominate the Yak in every aspect of the flight envelope.

My regards,

My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.

Offline Boozebag

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yak vs f4u4
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2007, 09:38:55 AM »
Thanks Widewing,
So that's how to kill the dam Yaks.
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Offline Hazard69

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yak vs f4u4
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2007, 10:18:26 AM »
Maybe not excatly on the topic here, I really cant think of any specific maneuvers here, but i think the yaks main advantage will be its small size (harder to hit). Havent flown the F4U4 much in game, but I dunno if it is as agile as a Yak?? It probably can outrun and out accelerate it. Yaks main drawback I think would be the puny guns and low ammo count.

All in all I agree, the Yak would be in a tough spot against a F4U4.

EDIT: Just checked. The Yak is slightly faster under 15K if the F4U4 doesnt use WEP. With F4U4 WEP the Yak has a marginal speed advantage between 5 and 10K.

The F4U4 climbs better than a Yak, except again if hes out of WEP and even then only between 3-15K
« Last Edit: May 08, 2007, 10:26:14 AM by Hazard69 »
<S> Hazardus

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Offline BaldEagl

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yak vs f4u4
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2007, 11:14:41 AM »
20mm's not that puny and 120 rpg is not that light an ammo load (no worse than most Spits).  I can usually get a kill in a Yak9U with 20 cannon rounds (or less) fired.  In fact, I usually have to rtb for fuel before i run out of ammo.

I just started flying Yaks this camp but have gotten quite a few sorties in already.  I'm not sure how you'd beat an F4U-4 yet but the Yak is fast with reasonable turning ability and good firepower plus it's easier to fly than the F4U's.  I'd try to keep it fast and play an angles fight and unless the F4U pilot is above average or only fly's F4U's and knows them well I'd give the Yak a decent chance of winning, especially if you get them nose-to-nose.  If however, the F4U pilot knows what he's doing he should be able to both outrun and out-turn the Yak.
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Offline DweebFire

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yak vs f4u4
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2007, 06:30:39 PM »
Hm Im not sure if there is a way to even beat an F4U-4 pilot worth his/her salt. I find that performance for the plane is spot on. What is overmodeled (or seems like it) is the turning, even according to charts. I'm guessing it must have something to do with the wings being bent, as the high wingloading and flaps that are seemingly no different from a P-51's flaps somehow manage to get the fighter turning very VERY well even at low speeds.

Offline Puck

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yak vs f4u4
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2007, 10:22:29 AM »
The F4U-4 was arguably the best piston engine fighter to see combat in WWII, which should give you an idea what you're up against.

Against the -4 a Yak is in a survival situation.  About all you can do is keep breaking into the attack and hope the Corsair driver isn't too good at deflection gunnery.  One of three things will happen:

1. You die
2. The F4U will bleed off his advantages and give you a shot
3. You manage to find enough friends to get out of trouble

Your biggest advantage is that F4U-4 icon. If you call for help with a perk plane on your tail help is almost always forthcoming.

Remember the driver is more important than the crate.  You just have to fly smarter.
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Offline FX1

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yak vs f4u4
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2007, 11:28:09 AM »
You just need to out fly your opponent. The Yak will lose but the margin of performance is small so its up to the pilot. Don't play games with the u4 he will out climb you out run you and out turn you. Suck up and go for the kill.

I would have no problem toe for toe in a yak V u4. I would rather be in a u4 but the yak is beast and should do OK in the fight.

Pilot skill is going to be the determining factor just like any other fight.

Offline Patches1

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YAK vs F4U-1D
« Reply #8 on: May 10, 2007, 03:04:34 PM »
The best, and I do mean the best, fight I have had in Aces High was a one versus one fight mere feet off of the water against a YAK9U. I got lucky in the scissors and he flew in front of my guns for a split moment...I fired...lit him up a bit....but he continued to fly for another palm sweating minute or so...and just when I thought I had him...he turned!

We flew for perhaps 3-5 minutes...maybe less...who knows...palm sweating fights are timeless.

As it turns out...he ran out of gas and augered in! I only had the single snap shot on him.

He flew the YAK9U extremely well!
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Offline FX1

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yak vs f4u4
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2007, 04:21:05 PM »
What was his name?