Author Topic: Major Biggles answer  (Read 1500 times)

Offline Larry

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Major Biggles answer
« Reply #15 on: June 16, 2007, 05:09:38 AM »
Originally posted by louman
I have never believed the big bang theory.....and as it states..... it is a theory....never has been proven!

And its been proven that there is a god? All of this because some people wanted an all Christian squad.

Heres what I think. There is no reason for you to make your squad only open to Christians. I can see you wanting someone from the same country so you all can fly together but not the same religion. To me thats like making a sqaud and saying "whites only". Theres no need to discrimante/segregate people because of there race or religion. Just because its a game it doesnt make it right.
Once known as ''TrueKill''.
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Offline Major Biggles

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« Reply #16 on: June 16, 2007, 05:40:58 AM »
Originally posted by louman
I have never believed the big bang theory.....and as it states..... it is a theory....never has been proven!  Roy Masters is the 1st person to come up with an alternate view in all of this time in a scientific way.  He approches religion that way also.  From a differn't perspective....not using a lot of religious terms that people have been turned off by.  Jesus it may supprise you was not caught up with religion nor was he a scholar.  Meaning he was not a scribe or pharisee.....saducee.  He knew the scripture but didn't walk around quoteing it all of the time.  He kept the law....fulfilled it even.....but didn't follow it religiously...verse and chapter....traditionally.  When someone asked him a question he knew how to get to the root of the problem and speak truthfully.  He did this by intuition.  If something is right you can see it if your a seeking and intuitive may not be able to explain it in scientific just know it is the truth.  Jesus said  "you must become like children" ponder on what he ment by has deep meaning.

yes, and that's EXACTLY why IMHO a lot of christianity has lost all meaning. don't get me wrong, i *am* a christian, i just believe the the term christian spreads over a lot of stuff, from rastafarianism to that weirdo baptist church on TV with their 'god hates studmuffins, god hates you, god hates everyone except us' banners. that's another thing i find stupid, christian right's treatment of gays. it says in the bible that being gay is a sin, along with pretty much everything. it's impossible to live a life without sin, totally impossible, and that's exactly why god sent jesus, to die for sin, so that all are forgiven. the bible doesn't even put being gay very high up on the list of sins, yet people believe that god will forgive anyone of anything, including murder etc, yet at the same time they believe that god hates gays.

there's only one word for that, idiocy.

i'm shocked at what's done 'in the name of god' and i'm sure he is too :lol

but the big bang. why religious people fear i have absolutely no clue. for the big bang to have occured, it had to come from a singularity, a singularity that came from nowhere, and i think you'd be hard-pressed to find a more reasonable explanation than god. where else are you gonna get an infinitely small infinitely hot explosion out of nowhere?

no need to be scared of it because it isn't mentioned in the bible. god didn't write the bible, people did, and people can be wrong. these people of course will have gained inspiration from god, but what he created is so far beyond them back then that they couldn't comprehend it, so let them come up with their own stories.

wouldn't it be boring if god told us exactly how everything was created, and how it all works? where would the fun be in science. life isn't a prison, it's an adventure, and to have an adventure you gotta have some fun along the way. god could *prove* everything in an instant if he wanted to, but he wants us to have some fun trying to figure it out, is the way i see it.

as for jesus saying, be like children, yes, it's a great line, with a lot of connotations. one one hand, children are blind in faith, and believe whatever they're told, and will always trust their parents (in our case god) to look after them. children are also rebellious however, and have great imaginations, and that's also what god wants us to do, use our minds and hearts to challenge what we believe, to explore our faith.

why is it you disagree with the big bang theory then btw? you think it conflicts with the bible? it is a theory of course, but so is pretty much ALL of science, most theories are just very credible and likely, and the big bang has a lot of evidence backing it up.

i'd love to read that paper though, i need to get the book, the ebook is a right PITA ;)

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Major Biggles answer
« Reply #17 on: June 16, 2007, 05:49:02 AM »
Originally posted by Larry
And its been proven that there is a god? All of this because some people wanted an all Christian squad.

Heres what I think. There is no reason for you to make your squad only open to Christians. I can see you wanting someone from the same country so you all can fly together but not the same religion. To me thats like making a sqaud and saying "whites only". Theres no need to discrimante/segregate people because of there race or religion. Just because its a game it doesnt make it right.

i think the original idea of that post wasn't about segregating, but advertising for christians who would like to fly with a christian squad. i doubt they'd turn someone away because they weren't christian, nothing like that was said, it was purely saying, if you're looking for a christian squad, then our squad is full of christians, we talk about god stuff, we have discussions like this one etc, advertising themselves as a religious squad for anyone that wanted to join.

this is an old thread btw (years old). someone punted it and them people started being weird, and i don't think louman had anything to do with the original post.

what you been up to btw TK? my exams are over in a few weeks, then i'm off to amsterdam to celebrate, but when i get back i'm gonna school yo honky prettythang! :D

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Major Biggles answer
« Reply #18 on: June 16, 2007, 05:50:10 AM »
Originally posted by Xargos
Shouldn't this be in the O'Club.  

Notice no question mark.


it's nice in here though, you don't get loads of people jumping in, you can have a small detailed conversation instead of a long rushed one.

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Major Biggles answer
« Reply #19 on: June 16, 2007, 05:54:06 AM »
Originally posted by Major Biggles
but when i get back i'm gonna school yo honky prettythang! :D

Pff you wish.:p
Once known as ''TrueKill''.
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Major Biggles answer
« Reply #20 on: June 16, 2007, 06:18:29 AM »
Originally posted by Major Biggles
the finest trolling there is!

intardnet trolling is for silly middle aged men with nothing better to do. religious trolling is the fine art of the elite extremist! :D
Well said. :D :aok

Skawtydawg Do dogs go to heaven?
In two words; You bet

At least I believe mine to be across what is called the Rainbow Bridge chasing whatever, and sniffing up a storm until the wife and I get there to blaze new trails together.

Native American's, and other races have religions promoting the Spirit World of animals and man coinciding in harmony. *shrugs* Who are we to say there is not?
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Offline louman

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Major Biggles answer
« Reply #21 on: June 16, 2007, 09:12:15 AM »
ok...lot of ground to cover....first of all on the old subject of a christian squad.....a revolution was fought many years ago against the British I might achieve.....religeous, and personal freedom.  Many religious groups came to this new world to be able to worship God in freedom and not be persecuted for their beliefs.  Make no mistake about it europe is not as free as america...and america is not as free as it once was.  The battle for freedom of religion and speech goes on as we discuss all of this now.  God....does not hate any group or any one person.  God at this place in time does not judge anyone or any group.  People who like to play god are the ones doing all of the judging.  We are in these bodys to live our lives how ever we choose.... for a time.  But that does not dismiss that there is a right and a wrong,  good and evil.  Children are bright little people and know more the day they are born than most adults.  Because adults have fallen into sin.  Children are not innocent ...they are born in sin....still they are bright in the beginning.  Society later turns them into cannabals or gays or englishmen.  LOL...gotta keep this light.  My friends we have not evolved from the apes.....we have devolved from a higher realm.  The god that loves you just as you are is the god of this world....and the God who says you must change and become AS the one and only true God.  Not children but child like in that we must regain our bright nature...stop the excuses and lies and change.  I personally don't care if you all go to hell if thats how your soul is inclined.....but if you want to know the truth......It can be found.

Offline Larry

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Major Biggles answer
« Reply #22 on: June 17, 2007, 12:17:16 AM »
Why to people try to push others into what they think is right? I dont believe in god, the devil, heaven, hell, ect. I live like this is the only life I get, and untill there is proof that there is a higher life form that is how I will continue to live. All religions say is live like I do (the right way) or burn in hell. God may not hate groups of people but people that believe in god do, and some kill in the name of him. Most of the worlds wars and horrific crimes and atrocities are done by people saying they are doing gods work.

The day we all stop hating others and just accept how people live THIER life the world will be a better place. I was raised as a jehovah's witness. When I got older I realized that most religions breed hate. I dont judge people because that is wrong. I dont care about your skin color, religion, or sexual preference. As long as you havnt done anything wrong I dont care how you live because that is none of my business.
Once known as ''TrueKill''.
JG 54 "Grünherz"
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Offline hubsonfire

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Major Biggles answer
« Reply #23 on: June 17, 2007, 01:36:36 AM »
There's a reason people fed christians to the lions, and it's not because they were smart.
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Offline Major Biggles

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Major Biggles answer
« Reply #24 on: June 17, 2007, 07:17:31 AM »
Originally posted by Larry
Why to people try to push others into what they think is right? I dont believe in god, the devil, heaven, hell, ect. I live like this is the only life I get, and untill there is proof that there is a higher life form that is how I will continue to live. All religions say is live like I do (the right way) or burn in hell. God may not hate groups of people but people that believe in god do, and some kill in the name of him. Most of the worlds wars and horrific crimes and atrocities are done by people saying they are doing gods work.

The day we all stop hating others and just accept how people live THIER life the world will be a better place. I was raised as a jehovah's witness. When I got older I realized that most religions breed hate. I dont judge people because that is wrong. I dont care about your skin color, religion, or sexual preference. As long as you havnt done anything wrong I dont care how you live because that is none of my business.

yeah agreed.

almost all religions are corrupt in some way or area. that's why i hate the religious stigma. like i said religions are created by men to control other men, god has nothing to do with any of them.

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Offline louman

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Major Biggles answer
« Reply #25 on: June 17, 2007, 07:52:38 AM »
Larry......if you live your life for the here and now you are kidding yourself.  Animals for instance have no spirit....they live their short lives here doing what they do by instinct.  Human beings on the other hand have a spirit.  You said you didn't care what people believed or did as long as it wasn't wrong.......who defines what is wrong.  I submit that it is your conscience that allows you to see what is wrong.  You have a body...spirit....and a conscience......I can understand you being turned off by organized religion....esp coming out of the  jehovahs witnisses.......but that does not mean there is not a God!  People and the evil force that is in this world that controls them have used religion to harm many.  Remember.....evil comes to you in every form......even the form of orginized religion....but you don't throw the baby out with the bath water.

Offline Major Biggles

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Major Biggles answer
« Reply #26 on: June 17, 2007, 09:14:33 AM »
well said lou

71 'Eagle' Squadron RAF

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Offline hubsonfire

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Major Biggles answer
« Reply #27 on: June 17, 2007, 11:19:53 PM »
You do if it's a make believe baby.
++Blue Knights++

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Offline Angry Samoan

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Major Biggles answer
« Reply #28 on: June 18, 2007, 07:47:50 AM »

Offline Odee

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Major Biggles answer
« Reply #29 on: June 18, 2007, 09:48:18 AM »
Wrong... *buzzer sound*
Originally posted by louman
... Animals for instance have no spirit....they live their short lives here doing what they do by instinct.  

...but your opinion is yours, yet since nobody has actually captured a Spirit, nor dfined or impyrically identified the spirit, who am I to argue other than...

Native American's, and other races have religions promoting the Spirit World of animals and man coinciding in harmony. *shrugs* So who are we to say there is not?
~Nobodee~   Get Poached!
Elite: Dangerous ~ Cmd Odeed